Warning: This post isn’t about Unturned the game but rather it’s presence on Steam- involves a couple of questions from me too that I’d like to (hopefully) get answered.
To begin with, we all know that Unturned’s playbase has sadly dropped from 2016, most of us came to Unturned in 2016 and recognize that year as the golden age for the game. We got it nominated for an award before it got snatched by Euro Truck Simulator, Russia was finally released after constant teasing from Nelson which blew up the game even more, and in general; the community was alive and recognized by the folks at Valve.
While we could say the same now regarding Valve’s recognition of Unturned, I can’t help but feel that it has gone down. Especially during sale activities (I.E Sticker Books from 2017 Summer or Saliens 2018 Summer).
Why is this happening? Is there a certain way that Valve negotiates with devs in order to use their I.Ps in certain ways like the stickers and Salien cosmetics?