Item #: UPP-002-J
Object Class: Safe. It should be neutralized, but Nelson is too goddamn cheap to neutralized it.
Special Containment Procedures: Due to “Unnecessary taboos”, UPP-002-J is located in the C:/████████/█████████/████████, and is available for people to freely use it. It isn’t recommended, though. Countless guides have been provided in an attempt to assist in UPP-002-J’s usage with slightly to no avail.
Injuries sustained both physical and mentally during UPP-002-J usage should be treated with napping and a stern talking-to SDG forum users for thinking you could handle a rocket-science type of complexity, you brain-dead idiot. To date, UPP-002-J has resulted in ███ cases of accidents, including ████ Errors, ███ Mental injuries, ██ Physical injuries, and █ comatose.
Description: UPP-002 is a process to make a Non Player Character for a game called Unturned made by Nelson sexton, the process of making such NPC can cause one of several anomalous effects on what is made out of it:
- It doesn’t made anything.
- Lots of matrix-complexity errors in error logs.
- Dialogues don’t work properly, same with quests.
- The whole damn thing is a nightmare.
- Rages, lot of rages.
- Wasting a whole day trying to fix that one missing ID or an invalid GUID.
NPCs can’t even walkIt suppose to be that way, never mind.
At present, all requests to fix UPP-002-J’s unnecessary complexity in the hopes of a brighter workshop community are uniformly denied, because if he decides to delete the whole damn thing, then we don’t have anything, and that’s worse than trying to work with this crap. Sometimes I want to make some NPCs for my map and not having to kill myself from learning this complicated feature knowing that it could’ve been easier. Have you seen how complex and complicated this feature is? Did we really need to have this at all? Maybe it was meant to be that way, that’s probably the reasoning behind why we have this crap.
Attempts to working with UPP-002-J with a custom NPC maker have been suggested countless of times, but that’s pretty much unofficially denied. During a yearly audit of digging in the past of SDG forum, including a thread of such idea, it was discovered that ████████ once attempted to created a custom “less complicated” UPP-002-J to make custom NPC, and he suddenly disappear. He didn’t even talk about it afterwards, he just left like he thought no one was watching. He has been muted, right? That’s what I thought, too, but no, at least kinda, he’s no longer active. We’ve suggested realistic features for less, he has a good suggestion and even an attempt to tinkering with this shit or whatever, but shit, his idea is pretty much ignored.
UPP-002-J has a secondary memetic effect that has, at time of writing, affected all creators in the community. Morale among creators at Unturned’s community has shown a marked decrease in recent months, and confidence and faith in UPP-002-J is at an all-time low. What a fucking surprise. How the fuck can’t we fix this taboo? Aren’t we having a new version of this game? We shouldn’t even have to make it this complex, we’re homo sapiens for Christ’s sake; we spend days after days for some overly-fancy features with a bunch of texts after texts so no one wants to read it, but it still isn’t as complicated as this crap, by the way.