Useful NPCs

how about they just don’t betray you, but you can only have like 1

You guys keep talking about then as if they’d be too op, because they’d shoot players easily or whatever. They should only be effective for combat against enemy NPCs and zombies, and would only shoot players if they’re shot at, or if the player they accompany is being shot at by them.

1 human, 1 animal, or 2 animal.

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You trying to sneak through an area, then your npc pal runs out and starts to melee a mega, or you press a number of buttons and he is on sneak mode. Even then he hides in plain sight and dies…
Npcs suck

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You really think companions would just attack anything and everything without you attacking it? Sure, fallout 4s npcs do that, but I doubt they would in unturned.

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rather than npc’s it be a bit odd we could do animals and over time train them, likle dogs?, NPC charactors are good for storyline but for actual gameplay with the community roleplay and EPIC 10x LOOT servers, it wouldnt work.

Would certainly make single player more interesting and also pve.

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