So, it’s no secret that Nelson is planning to release a vehicle demo for the public to play, I am just wondering what everyone elses thoughts are regarding to when you think that Nelson will release said demo. Thanks!
He’ll release it when he feels like releasing it. I honestly don’t care when it does release as long as it’s as polished as it could possibly be.
Edit: also, @anon24515308 is correct
Dont get your hopes suuuuper high, in terms of things coming out when they are said to come out nelson is at least better than kanye west, but hey things take time.
its almost been a year since nelson said beta was coming out in a couple of months
IIRC, the vehicle demo is only being released to a select group of people. I’m pretty sure the first version of Unturned II released to the general public will have much more content and refinement than the vehicle demo.
Why does everyone care about an early playtest and release dates? It will come out when it comes out.
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