Wallets, ID, Phones and Loose Change (Pocket Items)

Not much comes to mind when you kill a zombie. Where they’re from, what they do for a living, where they’ve been.

A small addition could give you clues as to what they’ve been like before the outbreak hit, and additional resources.

Wallets -
Could be empty, could be full of $. One thing’s for sure, there’s got to be some sort of Identification! Driver’s Licenses, Giftcards, VIP/Premium Cards with their names and/or where they’re from on it.


Phones -
I’m guessing that Unturned was and will take place in the 1990s - early 2000s. Flip-phones or any other sort of phone we people used on a daily-basis could be scrapped for wires, scrap, or batteries.

Any other uses for the phone could be voice memos, or a diary, but may need frequent battery change and most likely has limited memory. I’m not sure about calling each other, they’re totally useless after EMP or Phone Lines are down.

Loose Change -

The money could use for resources too.

-3x notes = cloth

-3x coins = scrap metal

Or for societies and engaging in trade, these could possibly use for vouchers for how many zombies you’ve killed.

Other Clues As To Where They’ve Been Or What’s Out There -
If you don’t have a map, or even know where the heck you are, maybe the zombies could give you clues.

For example-

-Ration Cards (Maybe there’s a military encampment nearby, evacuating civilians or the place was once occupied by the military?)

-Flyers (Person could be a civilian that picked up the flyer or an informant for a certain military/militia group looking to recruit other survivors.)

-Pendants (Could be a military dog tag, or a trademark/identification for a gang or terrorist organization? rangers)

-Ripped up piece of a map (I don’t know who the heck would rip a map, maybe that guy from the Blair Witch Project? Maybe you could find a whole bunch of these pieces and put it together.)

-Keycard (Could he/she be a government informant? Local Office Worker/Security? Part of the Scorpion-7 Organization?) These could give easy access to some areas.

-iHop GiftCard If you find that, it’s a very high chance that you’re pickpocketing me.

Do you have any suggestions? Is this another useless addition Nelson shouldn’t bother adding? Leave feedback in the comments!

edit: Buckner is not a real State in the U.S.



I would say they are trivial storage-based item that could hold certain things in it, kinda like the military ammo box in the Devlogs but for these near-worthless items like what you listed.

ID cards

Probably just junk items. Details can be inspected but simply for your personal interest. Can be salvaged for little plastic scrap (If it’s in the game) and optionally can be edited for who knows what you’re gonna do with it

Maybe one of the cards could be a military ID card to access locked military bunkers. Very rare from civilian infected (No occupation like Chef or Police), more common from military infected and locations


Can be salvaged for metal scrap and a (cell) battery. Like you said can inspected to have randomly-generated and trivial text messages.

Loose change

Pretty much just like in the current game where it can be scrapped. Though I doubt it would be used as currency since they are generally labelled as worthless in multiple post-apocalyptic games.

Maybe scrap metal? Dunno, as long as it isn’t the bloody Experience points


Thanks for the feedback!

Yeah, I’m one of those players that like to pay attention to every little detail. I even hoard a lot of items for personal interest that my teammates suggest I get rid of the stuff or get out of the base.

I liked that idea of turning the IDs into plastic, I haven’t thought of that!

And the idea that the wallet could store certain things, like the military ammo box. I was thinking you hold T and store/take a bunch of items, like it was when you hold T on an Eaglefire with a couple of magazines, all the items organized in a circle pattern.

The wallet working as a dedicated cash carrying item like how only arrows would go in a quiver.

IDs I can see as being a neat collectable that’d have the hours, gold status, and basic steam info (name and location, as well as Username) of whoever picked it up first or created it. Not sure how it’d be imprinted with the info yet.

I’ve talked about phone’s before but once again a simple multi-tool that has flashlight, notes, camera, little time wasting games, a calculator, and maybe handheld radio functions. For sake of lore and mechanics I’d say no texting or calling or internet.

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An Idea I had for phones, maps, and PDAs is that the player’s stash locations would automatically be uploaded to the person’s device who picked it up.

Well interesting I think unturned will be adapted in the present day so we could already see things like cell phones with touch screen, it should also be possible to find some bullets considering that some of them have weapons.

cell phones can serve as GPS and can also be created some notebooks, I think they could be rechargeable for this would require a charger and a power outlet.

Yarrrr covered pretty much everything.

Unturned actually takes place in the present day (2014-2018) while some of the earliest lore dates back to the 40s/50s. In Germany you can literally find notes that are dated in 2017 while (spoiler alert) the Polysol Federation was discovered by the US military in Washington in 1947.


I’m pretty sure the lore has varied between each major iteration of Unturned and potentially could continue to do so, but that’s probably the subject of a different thread.

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