Wave One

Y am I listening to sans theme

Because you are having a bad time.

Should we make a undertale thread? Or would it be too close to the rpg thread

We all know what happened to that thread.

L I T E R A L. A I D S. (GOD DAMN bods)

The almighty RPG was glorious, anyone who says otherwise should be publicly executed.

Well. If it were good, somebody would have already revived and kept it active at this point

But I guess it has’nt ended since there is no end

Unlike you scum, we civilized people don’t revive dead posts.

Well we need an end for it

It can’t be left at the climax and be resoluted

Pretty sure the apocalypse happened and that ended it.

Ya know what Fuck it, im making a undertale thread

Dont do it, unless it’s based in space.

Hello yes I am active forum user

Saying your active doesn’t prove anything

That’s the joke

also you’re*

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I like jokes tell me one (for being from Brazil several puns will not make sense).

here’s a joke:

actually receiving a UII key
