ok honestly I’m not worried about how bumps in the road will knock you from your lanes because U4 won’t have U3’s trash car physics so that won’t happen, however, we need wider lanes so the car can easily and smoothly stay in the lane. This is important for roleplayers if you’re gonna add turn signals you should make the lanes wider or at least make the middle lanes on these roads as wide as the edge lanes.
Doesn’t seem like a huge problem to me, and I’m sure RP maps won’t have that problem anyways, but it doesn’t seem difficult to fix either.
The width of the lanes seem fine to me.
If anything it’s a bit roomier than what I’m used to, playing other vehicular games.
It’s definitely less roomy than the one I’m on at the moment, but that is a sample size of one.
Where is your driver’s licence?!?
The road seems fine to me, though I don’t care if he stretched it by say, a meter or so. Otherwise there is no problem about it, and because personally I believe we shouldn’t change things around because of a community-hosted server design.
I’d prefer varying road widths with some slightly narrower than that and some much wider. Some IRL roads may have a single lane as wide as two of those while with others they are so narrow that if you look away for a quarter of a second you’ve drifted to the side and hit something.
I would like some lanes wider, but it should vary somewhat, like in Greece map.
pretty sure we’ll be able to choose the width in map editors
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