Weapon and Item modifiers

As of right now the guns in Unturned feature no modifiers at all. Every Maplestrike for example is exactly the same when it comes to the actual weapon itself, they all have the same amount of damage, recoil, accuracy etc.

I think it would be a interesting idea to create some diversity between each weapon by randomly generating stat modifiers (Damage, Accuracy, Reloading Time, Durability, Movement Speed, Armor Penetration…) for each weapon.
This means that the weapons may have some increased attributes as well as some decreased ones to balance things out.

The concept would look something like this:

Balanced Modifiers - common (30% chance)

  • Maplestrike (-2% Accuracy, -3% Durability, +2% Damage,)
  • Timberwolf (+5% Reloading Time, -3% Accuracy)
  • Grizzly (+4% Damage, -4% Movement Speed)

Negative Modifiers - rare (8% chance)

  • PDW (-4% Reloading Time, -3% Damage, +2% Accuracy,)
  • Colt (-5% Damage)

Positive Modifiers - rare (5% chance)

  • Augewehr (+3% Reloading Time, +4% Damage, -1% Durability)
  • Ekho (5% Damage, +4% Movement Speed, -3% Reloading Time)

These numbers can of course be increased or decreased and other attributes may be added as these numbers are just placeholders.


This would be perfect for more gun diversity without necessarily requiring literal different models, good suggestion !

Also, if skins ever made an appearance in the game I hope you would be the one behind them haha


No. Certain weapons should only have debuffs if they’ve been poorly maintained, adding in a randomness factor like this just creates something similar to Dead Frontier II or The Last Stand: Union City, instead gun diversity should focus on small subvariants such a burst-fire MP5A4 or a Remington 870M, which has a detachable magazine as opposed to the standard variant. Of course, these small variants should have minor statistical differences as well. Modifiers like this would be better suited for an upgrade or modification system.

Although i appreciate your suggestion, I just don’t feel that this really belongs in Unturned II. It just feels arcadey.


I can definitely understand your point of view. Just like you said, it’s a arcadey concept whereas Unturned II is supposed to be relatively realistic in terms of game design.

I like your idea of weapon maintenance though, the one with only poorly maintained weapons having debuffs. Maybe weapons should spawn with low maintenance levels and you have to have to repair them first until they have their full strength or something.

I think this could be pretty cool. Maybe these weapons could only be dropped by zombies or given by NPCs? And maybe they could be named similar to Terraria’s weapon modifier system?

This has been brought up before and generally disliked. Random RNG for the sake of random RNG isn’t exactly how you balance weapons in a game. And since this isn’t an RPG, it makes no sense why one Maplestrike has more accuracy than another. The only difference when looting for weapons that you should come across is the parts on a gun and the condition they’re in. I can understand worse accuracy on a more beat up gun but that’s really about it.

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Randomized recoil patterns would reduce the skill ceiling as it would be impossible to memorize the recoil of guns.

Randomized damage, (assuming a 3.0 damage model which could be changed but hey) could change bullets to kill, which would in turn change time to kill, which would be complete BS, as in a completley fair fight, you could still lose because your opponent has that sweet sweet +1 damage on a 49 damage gun that takes it from a 3 shot to a two shot.

I’d prefer if weapons had sub-rarities.


From there each sub-rarity would have slightly different stats or fire selections (two round burst vs three, etc.)

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I appreciate your idea and see how it could add some end game goals.
For example someone wanting to find the +5 damage maplestrike to get ahead.
And a quest for that 0.1% chance nailgun with +100 damage would be epic.

This would however add uneeded comple xity to the inventory experience because you have to check your stats,
Also this would be a bit unbalanced and unrealistic unless the weapon in question was hastily and sloppily manufactured making some crappy and others better.

This is definitely a feature that should be modable Weapon attributes, randomization and even maybe different colours for weapons need to be modable.

I recommend what others have suggestions a
Debuff when poorly maintained.
I do however think that more stats could be interesting like for example melee weapon sharpness that determines bleeding and damage
(By determines bleeding I mean like your % sharpness is a variable In how bleeding is determined so like it also depends on armor and damage taken)

Also weapons and items breaking at 0% durability makes sense with a separate stat like maintenance for firearms and sharpness for blades.

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