What did unturned 2.0 (classic) do better than unturned 3.0?

7 posts were split to a new topic: Arizona map

2.x also had better gun sounds imo, they were much more powerful feeling.

There wasnt a lot that was better functionally/gameplay wise. What I do like about some of the older generations, is the environment and the atmosphere. 2.0 had a more dark, more grey and almost an undertone of seriousness, but meanwhile you had cutesey or just weird stuff like this:

2.0 felt so cute, but it didnt look like a 4 year olds toy chest, like modern PEI. You even saw this in the earlier stages of 3.0, honestly i kinda prefer the old look versus the new look.

Im going to be honest, this doesnt look like a survival game.

This kinda does though. I remember talking with a friend about this picture, and we both agreed: this looks so much better. This picture is from nelsons blog, where he states that the colors with the buildings dont really match, so he made the environment brighter. Itd honestly look better with darker buildings, imo.

I think The atmosphere lead a little bit into the early success of the game, besides the fact that it has a resemblance to minecraft. The color scheme was pretty consistent too. I think nelson has said this a few times before, that 3.0 and its cosmetics deviated from the art style way too much. The same can be said for other games, like TF2. Its a major issue with cosmetics in games, but thats a whole other topic.

Seriously, this is ridiculous

I also miss things like the boarded up houses, and the more militaristic response that you would have seen, but without it being overboard or just kinda awkward. It felt like there was a bit of story there.

Sets of gear like Ghillie suits and the black set (forgot what it was called, thief stuff?) also all came together. You didnt have to have a weird mismatch of gear, if you found a ghillie suit, you found a whole ghillie suit.

Zombies also felt like much more of a threat to me. Maybe this was because of my skill level or the fact that the zombies were near dead silent, or maybe that they would just keep following you.

Also was it me, or did the map seem like it was so much bigger? And did gear seem like it was harder to find? Also, didnt bases seem a lot more accomplishing?

Oh and a little weird, but i liked how bloody unturned 2.0 was.

Edit: also, scopes on pistols. So cool.


They were more dangerous because:

  • You were not able to stun them
  • They would instantly deal damage as you got close to them
  • You couldn’t outrun them easily
  • They actually dealt damage to cars upon being hit with.
  • And, obviously, they followed you everywhere

These made zombies much more threatening, and arguably better.


Honestly, that sounds like more fun and a lot more challenging.

The silliness in 2.0 felt more natural. It all depended on just what you would encounter in a server with a random mix of people and their personalities. In 3.0 the goofyness feels a little forced, but I can’t really provide an explanation for why other than what you already said about the cosemetics

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i liked unturned 2.0’s atmosphere but 3.0 had better level geometry. i think 4.0 would be more fitting if it followed that sense of art direction. Danaby2’s athens arena really nails the level geometry aspect. I like how minor improvements made the game look so much better. I do think that russia and germany had the most fitting atmosphere. Washington did really good on that aspect aswell.

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