does nelson not like violins? this calls for some epic 2016 unturned lore theory
@SirAdy make unturned lore video plox
No violence
Death is Mad
this is why 2.0 is better
(It is likely a cut-off spelling of ‘No violence’)
How would you, of all people, not know this
im dumb
but what does the name “death is mad” have to do with “no violin”?
Two different easter eggs, first one refers to the user named @Deathismad
what does “no violin” refer to though? is it some sort of inside joke?
Dude just read the messages saying what it could possibly mean, ‘‘No violence’’
hmmmm, idk. somehow i kinda doubt that, i mean idk why someone would write “no violence” just randomly, and if they did then why is it misspelled and cut off? seems illogical
i smell conspiracy
Seems to me like Nelson trying to emulate the dying mind of a man in the apocalypse, just misc crazy guy words.
dang, dude. i can kinda understand it now
deeper meaning than i thought
It means that in the apocalypse there is a lack of violins. That’s why all of the violin cases you see in Russia are empty.
guys we’ve cracked the code
@SirAdy make violin lore vid now pl0x
They’re references, but nothing too cool beyond that. You could try to make a false connection between my ability to play a violin (very badly) and my name under the bridge.
I already knew it existed in 2.0
including other bloody texts like ‘Death Is Mad’ and ‘Danger’
Death is mad because there are no violins. Solved it.
Okay. Thanks dude
You make a good case
get it. case. violin. die.