It’s never really explicitly told what the Turned were in 3.0. All we knew is that Big J and Scorpion 7 were related somehow and it was an experiment gone wrong. In 4.0 I’d love for this to be expanded further and explored in-depth. I’ve thought up a small introductory paragraph to explain what exactly they are (Or, would be), and how the locals approach the issue:
'Prof. Halsey, UPEI Medical and Biological Physics
I’ve never seen anything like this before. At first everyone passed it off as a new bacterial infection but after using increasingly powerful antibiotics to rid it, it became apparent that it seems to be both a fungal and viral infection working in sync to form a three-way symbiosis with both branches being parasitic, but it’s more than that. It’s not natural. Whatever this is, it likes to specifically attack the G4 gene, I’m unsure as to why but unlike other infections that take over whatever they can, this one appears to have an objective. I’m going to sound like a skeptic for thinking this, but is it possible that it was engineered by somebody for a yet unknown reason?
The locals are just as unsure about this as I am. I was saved by a ragtag group of survivors who asked me to ‘explain what the [expletive] is going on’. Little do they know that it’s not that easy. Most everyone I’ve talked to calls them the ‘Turned’, short for ‘turned into an infected’ (They may not be the most clever people I’ve worked with, but they’ve done a great job of keeping me alive thus far). The Canadian Government has just as much of a clue as to what’s going on as the rest of us. They sent me out as part of a research expedition but after most of the team was killed by a horde under an unnatural effect in the middle of the night, the remaining survivors fled and I was taken in by local survivors who’ve so far done a far better job of defense than actual soldiers (I’m unsure as to why but it may be the ‘who cares’ attitude they carry towards certain problems.
Some of the largest changes between ‘turned’ and ‘unturned’ peoples is a greenish tint of the skin, possibly due to the fungus infecting muscle and skin cells, causing movement that is not willed upon by the host body. They also seem to be brainless (metaphorically, not literally), as most communication between them and the outside world or other infected seems to be near none. However on certain occasions, it’s been observed that some infected have grown to alert others if a problem arises, but usually it’s just the host body and that’s all that matters to whatever is controlling it, and they enter into a dormant state until a sensory load is applied externally. I’m going to ask some of the survivors to get a small test lab set up so that I can possibly acquire a couple of infected to see if they interact and under what circumstances.’