What languages do you speak (or are learning)?

Greek as a native tongue,Proficiency-level English (I’m not showing off,just mentioning) and some veeery minor German (Mostly from school).Currently interested in learning either Russian or Polish.

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I speak spanish (I’m from Venezuela), English (conversational) and know a few words in french :stuck_out_tongue:

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oh y’know the average Dovahzul and Eliksni

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Just English.

Only English.

Sorry, I hate learning languages. Been forced into Spanish classes 3 years in a row and still haven’t learned anything. My memory is simply too bad to remember anything meaningful.


I am native korean, and i am not good English speak well, so i am getting help from a google translator.
And, recently i am interested in british english, irish language.:beer:

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Yikes. Three years of Spanish and you haven’t learned anything? I think at that point it comes down to your own unwillingness to get anything out of the class or you’re literally just that stupid, no offense.

I only speak English well but I know a few phrases and such in Spanish.


My memory is excellent, yet I’ve taken two years of Spanish and I don’t remember a single thing except for the numbers between zero and forty, as well as some scattered phrases here and there.

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You know 0-40? I consider that impressive compared to the numbers I know.

It might seem like I’m going back on my point, but I’m not: I’ve at least learned something in the two years of Spanish I’ve taken while Rain is saying in three he’s learned jack all.

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To be completely honest I just took the class for my foreign language credit. I plan on taking Chinese in college, as I already can speak it reasonably.

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I’m purely English but I used to be able to speak Dutch. Was my birth language until I forget at the age of 13


You remember things you are interested in more easily than things you aren’t

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Learning anything comes down to your will to learn it. I had german classes for 6 years in my school and I didn’t really learn anything except couple sentences. English on the other is language that I use pretty much daily and learning it was just useful and thus I really enjoyed learning it, both in class and on my own.

I don’t particularly see how learning languages in class is tied to being able to understand and relate to other cultures…

Topic wise, I’m native polish speaker and I’m fluent in english.


My native language is Latvian but I speak English quite fluently :slight_smile:
And slowly learning Russian because why not

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I took it for that reason too. By the time I figured I wanted to actually learn Spanish the course was over and I didn’t really decide to pick it up from there. I guess words with gender and 30 ways to say tengo turned me away from the language.

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Learning languages includes learning about cultures and usages differing between regions of a single language. You don’t just learn a language, you learn to use it with a culture. That means you learn how to behave and interact with a culture, thus understand and relate.

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English, bits and pieces of Spanish (mainly food and non-conversational details), currently trying to learn Polish (ethnic tongue which family decided I didn’t need to learn apparently) and Russian. I have procrastinated on both lol.

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i speak polish, english and learning french.


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i am going to vietnam in a few weeks


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I think the real problem is that school makes us learn languages like it’s fucking history, and forget it doesn’t work by forced memorisation

I speak French and English. I want to learn japanese but I don’t want to look like a weeaboo.

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