What mod do you want to see created in Unturned II [Poll/ Discussion]

I want to gauge community interest in a bunch of ideas that I have for game-mode creations for Unturned II. I want to make a mod that you want to play, so if you could, please take a couple minutes to fill this survey linked below out. I will share the results once I get enough responses.

Thank you all for your time.


To the competitive one:

I hosted a few tournaments in Unturned 3 and will continue in Unturned II. I called it “Unturned Esports”, the problem was that the game itself wasnt esports really at all (and is still not). I still did it because it seemed to be a pretty cool idea to have fun and play against other members in the community. I have gotten a ton of props and even Nelson saw one of my videos, gave me props and told me that in Unturned II we will have a better spectator system which would make casting those tournaments better.

The question is just how they would be played. Best case scenario would be to have competitive gamemode of course. I think its going to be hard to host such tournaments without any mods.
If you are going to work on any Competitive gamemodes once Unturned II is out, I would be more than glad to cooperate for future tournaments.


It really depends which game-mode we end up deciding on. If we decide to make a single-player/ co-op game, then competitive is out the window.

If we decide to go with Attackers vs Builders. There certainly competitive is possible.

I would gladly work with you on something like this. I’ve DM’ed you an invite to my discord where if you choose to, you can stay in the loop.

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19 Responses so far. I am going to give it one or two days before I stop taking responses.

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nelson where 50v50 at


I don’t care what happens I just want someone to make snake with sedans


Save the world


Murder Mystery.


I’ve notice am a regular now.:thinking:


Nice! Well done :slight_smile:

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BA BA BA BA BU HA BADUM, BA BA BA BA BA BA BA BU BU BA BA BA BA B-A-A-A BA BA BA BA BABABAB ding ding, ding ding ding ding ding, ding ding… Ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding…

You require music mastery lvl 10000 to decipher this.

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