What’s happening here

i remember when i used to post my 3d work her some regular,s were just so toxic (no need for names)
and besides that the reason i left is that cus hype on unturned 2 kinda of died out and a lot of the post in the start were about unturned 2 and iv also grown out of loving this game but I am hear today randomly for some news i found this post so i wish everyone good ride .


Ahh yes the glory days

Now automod gets his panties in a bunch when you make a closet joke about capitalism


Still the same, adressing dragon beast’s post.


Goddamn, time flies. I really wish this game had the community it did 4 years ago, the vast majority of old community members have left, and the forum is pretty much dead at this point. Nelson himself seems a bit more distant, as well.

Which is kinda weird, considering the playerbase hasn’t actually decreased that much. I wonder if there would be a way to revitalise the forum somehow, make it more active again and encourage meaningful discussion.


cough advert the forum like we should’ve done years ago cough COUGH


Nelson could put a little messsage at the top of the menu screen for Unturned advertising the forum, even just for a little bit, like 1 update. Think of how many people that could bring, based on the playerbase. I don’t see why not


Not even the menu

I mean steam forums, reddit, and discord

Although maybe a bit too late considering this forum is 4 years old

Edit: wait isn’t the forum already on the menu

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Damm this post was made in 2017

Damn even back in 2017 people were complaining about the forums dying out. (EDIT: I guess necroing a four year old thread leads to this)


this time it’s for real though


The Great Depression (circa 2022)

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This is accurate. Forum is getting a lot of activity when people are discussing specific trend topics. For example, in last year it was Pay2Win, Marketable Plushies and Character Model.

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That was posted more than four years ago.

Yeah and it’s more real than ever

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Then stick to the thread you started, I don’t see the point to bring this one back when literally all of you except for pondfisher weren’t even in the forum when this one was made.

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