What to expect from devlog 18

I expect to see Despacito 3 implemented into the game.

I’m so sorry

I’m hoping that we will see a public demo in devlog 18. This is based on Nelson’s comment about making the demo public ASAP in his last post on the Unturned Blog (which will be a month ago on the 20th). If not that, I’m hoping for a private combat demo to show off the new weapon play in II.

I expect to see a panzer tank be implemented


More, Vehicle models!

I may have an unfair advantage here. :slight_smile:
Main things:

  • Revision of the inventory and combat.
  • Working on the Denizen AI (NPC / bandit / etc) and evaluating how much of vanilla UE AI I want to use versus rolling custom since it’s not a core engine priority for them anymore.
  • Game modes for the next demo which I’m now implementing as mods so that I can have some actual experience using the mod tools.

ai murdering intensifies

gonna westerado some fellas


I know you aren’t able to provide specifics, but the way you’re setting up UII’s initial stages for all sorts of future implications is just perfect.

The only thing that I inquire, potentially for many of us here - is the character mesh seeing substantial change ever since the last devlog? I think even you were aware of all the people quick to point out the “Enderman” proportions seen previously, and I’m curious as to any work that may have been done on that front. I’d imagine it being no small feat though, especially given all the other things, such as clothing, that would need to be designed specifically for the mesh.

Until then, can’t wait to see what’s in store.

Also, Pineridge sends our regards.



Thanks! And yep - that’s part of what’s delayed things. One reason for the longer arms was to make reaching weapons with the left arm look better, but… they’re too long. I’ve been experimenting with instead rotating the upper torso (how it would be IRL), but this poses a bunch of extra work for maintaining stance blending and dual wielding where both the left and right hand attack animations need to hit the same point. Right now I’d guess that the end result is a character-specific animation node to blend those together from 1 per-item idle animation.


I want to see a new skybox.

Is there any news on a Mac release of the demo lately? I recall you saying you have a Mac.

Look, I got it 2.

Hmm those are some interesting suggestions @SDGNelson ! Maybe nelson will include them in the next devlog! :thinking:


It’s so weird when you talk to him directly, and then you return back to referencing him in third person all of a sudden for no reason @calamari

It’s a meme, bruh

I would definetly not mind testing that out!

its a joke dude.

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top 10 woooooooooosh’es of all time


@kvc.6 can you compile the top 10 times one of my jokes (or another persons jokes) has gone over someones head and compile it into one of your famous posts?

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