What would have happened if arena wasn't added

What would have happened to Unturned if arena wasn’t added. Here are my thoughts on what would have happened.
Here are the bad things that could have happened. Unturned could have died because of the steam forums. The steam forums want completely unbalanced guns and more PVP. The steam forums is a big part of the Unturned community I think.
Now here are the good things that could have happened. Nelson would focus on more on survival mode. Nelson could have added horde or some type of game mode.

Unturned could have died because of the steam forums. The steam forums want completely unbalanced guns and more PVP.

If Nelson listened to every suggestion on the Steam Forums, Unturned would have died long before Arena mode’s release date.

To be perfectly honest, nothing has changed now that Arena mode is here. Sure, there are a few updates that have been Arena-specific, but it was an unfinished gamemode, which Nelson wouldn’t want to leave in his game (hence his removal of Horde Mode). So, really, if there had been no Arena mode, I don’t really think anything would be that different.

The Steam forum’s surge in negative threads didn’t really affect anything, they’re just whiny people who don’t even think before posting. Being in the forum for maybe the longest amount of time, I can assure you that the average player count remained stable despite the chaos in the forums. Besides if Arena never existed then that would mean people have no clue on a PvP-based gamemode except from ideas in Suggestions section, thus no criticism about the game relating to Arena

If Arena was never added, I believe Nelson would focus on Horde Mode more and never abandoned it, which means more updates relating to it and finally an official map for Horde Mode. The presence of a PvE gamemode would support the PvE side of the game and maybe would tone down how much people play PvP. The feedback/suggestions would give the dev more ideas.


I wonder where this prediction comes from… :thinking: Totally not bias. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Not as much as you’d think. Steam forums in general can be tough to maintain community organization in at times, so I feel like a lot of repetition occurs more than original feedback. Being related to Unturned it has an impact, but there are many other ways to create an impact anyways.