What I’d like to see most out of 4.0 is, suprisingly, trains. I know it’s really small compared to everybody else’s hyped thing, but I really think there’s a lot of potential for the things you could do. Driving it could be a bit of a challenge due to the complexity of rail systems and how hard it is to control it.
If trains were added, it would immensely satisfy my transportation-based urges.
Since he may be using Unreal engine, I think very low settings would be nice for toaster PCs. Also in the graphics have an over all settings like Very Low, Low, Medium, High, Ultra, Custom (which means they chose a preset, but changed a few settings)
Darker atmosphere and color scheme. Slightly higher poly gun models - see Phantom Forces on ROBLOX.
I’m personally excited to see what can be done graphics wise, especially if there is an engine upgrade to UE4. Of course I’m not expecting ultra HD models or even a drastic change from the current game’s style, but smaller things such as changing the atmosphere or models to be slightly higher poly, as Edgy_Eddy had said. Also the thoughts of graphics similar to Firewatch or The Witness back from the AMA would be interesting to see.
yeah, firewatch and the witness are prime examples of what i want 4.0 to look like.
How can we believe that you aren’t wanted by the county for driving through two barns and a mall?
A proper physics system along with picking small objects up (it would be nice to see someone make a Rube Goldberg machine).
I’m fine with all the stuff like Hawaii being brightly coloured and cosmetics because Unturned is meant to be a cartoony game.
Trains would be super cool, but very limited. Debris and other trains would severely limit them. Map design would be crucial, unless we could somehow clear debris and bulldoze other players’ stuff.
Much want though. Need to be able to walk on moving trains, too. Have craftable handcars or pump trolleys.
Modding tools/expansions.
Removal(and not adding) of things that make the game stray from the survival game its supposed to be.
For eg- Easter egg boss fights, with teleportation and magic // flying rainbow cars etc.
I mean, the game has a lot of people playing it that play it for different reasons. If you completely remove the reasons why one group plays the game while favoring another, it won’t really help anything in the long run.
Boss battles and the teleporter are part of the storyline and the rainbow hatchback was an “easter egg” vehicle that was not intended for use in genuine survival servers.
In all honesty, the rainbow hatchback is just a gimmick and doesn’t interfere with the survival experience at all since it has to be spawned in to be used. And the easter eggs are just what they are: easter eggs. Unless you go out of your way to do them, it doesn’t really impact on your survival experience at all.
what about drifting? it would make car chases a lot more interesting! (however, better vehicle physics should come first)
Yeah, remove story elements, great idea.
an editor like the devkit but it doesn’t take a PHd in quantum mechanics to figure out
Devkit is pretty cool and not that difficult to understand, but it feels less organized because there’s less aesthetically appealing traits to make each tool memorable and easier to call back to. It also seems to lack a couple of features from the normal Editor still.
I think this will be easier to achieve since it’d have to be done from scratch again, yes? Easier to get everything down pat from the start, since Nelson should have a fairly good idea at what he would like for an Editor by now.
I just hope that, if everything is down from scratch, he isn’t overwhelmed by how much he can more easily be able to do now without the backtracking. With so many mechanics that could be improved upon (for the game in general) if he tries to get all of it at once it’ll just feel like underdeveloped features.
Blame those peons who called Nelson lazy for working on devkit
actually survival is what i want