What you guys think?

I’m fine with losing gear. I’m not cool with being able to be dragged back to someone’s base because they knocked me out.

As a RP veteran myself, I can indeed say that this will not help anything. It’s a genuinely unfun, easily exploitable mechanic.


Do you have a problem with how I like to play the game? You don’t see me judging how you play the game…it’s not even remotely relevant to the discussion.

I like hardcore RP because of the premise of building a civilized society with other people. It’s not your average “RP” server that’s just some shitty cover for a cop/gang war, it’s actual in-depth roleplay with everything from meta laws/regulations to a varied progression system with hundreds of jobs, very few of them relating to the defense sector/violence. So yes, I’m proud of having over a thousand hours playing and managing various RP servers throughout the history of the game, regardless of whatever your opinion is.

That said, I’d like to point out @101gamer101’s argument against this mechanic. It seems like a good idea until you’re on the receiving end, and forced to sit around and do nothing for 20 minutes while some dude messes around with your limp body. Unturned is a survival game, not some weird-ass crime simulator with kidnapping and human slavery.

Also, no, this is not a planned feature. Something being discussed a lot doesn’t mean it will lead to Nelson implementing it. Quality over quantity, of course.


I’d like to remind you that this isn’t the Steam discussions. Leave the assorted cancer at the door, please. You’re super new to the forum, but that doesn’t excuse you from this kind of behaviour.

Back to the topic of the post and ignoring your blatant rudeness, every time unconsciousness has come up in one of the several existing suggestion posts, it has been met with heavy opposition from the community, especially veterans. So while Nelson may not have seen this post yet, I’d like to remind you that he has likely already seen other posts as well as the community’s criticism on it.

As such, it is a logical conclusion to draw that I highly doubt this will be implemented in 4.0, unless it sees overwhelming support which it has not.


Unconsciousness is a thing in ARK: Survival evolved. It’s not even fun but it works because it also affects the creatures for a wide range of (useful) reasons. In Unturned I don’t see the use of it other than practising your sadism.

This game doesn’t revolve around RP. That’s something the community can decide what to do in their servers.

As for the above I don’t see what’s wrong with being an ‘RP Vet’, it’s just to acknowledge people that you have a wide understanding of that sort of thing. The only thing sad is to think this mechanic would be ‘fun’ to have in the game

You know it’s a good thing that the dev won’t be adding widely suggested ideas (As in controversial ideas that have mixed opinions). That was a mistake in 3.X


No one is suggesting that you would be forced to sit through anything. Basically all people are saying is to add a state which you can be revived from.

If it is added, it’s supposed to do the same thing as PUBG’s revive mechanic, not a way to enable kidnapping. By th time you go unconscious, you would’ve been dead had it not existed, and it’s a way for a teammate to help you up so you don’t have to walk all the way back from across the map or permanently die. It’s not meant as a kidnapping enabler, it’s a last chance at life. That said, thanks to the immature community unless it’s very well set up it’s going to end up being an teabagging simulator, probably combined with the furry idea someone had.

RP done well is fun, because it adds more progression and the feeling of building a society back, rather than just waiting for rng to bring you a car and an ok gun. Most rp is GTA rp, and quickly becomes a place nothing like building a society, with even less progression than vanilla Unturned.

Yep, pretty much. This is why RP died quickly after it became popular in 3.0, because immature admins wanted to get in on the action and ended up giving the entire thing a bad rep.

Based on 4.0’s survival-centric style, I do expect RP to see a huge comeback, this time done the right way.

Based on what others in the thread have been saying (like how @Tope suggested dragging unconscious bodies around, or how @Kqxer implied there were RP implications of this such as organized crime, or how @Dc2ca2 literally specifically referred to kidnapping), I have reasons to believe that they’re motivated by some sort of kidnapper-esque mechanic similar to ARK or DayZ, which I would disagree with. Knockouts though would be fine, because most survival games feature this, in addition to resuscitation, such as Rust. As long as it’s balanced and executed appropriately, I’d be satisfied.

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honestly i think it would be better to just let you put blindfolds on other people with like an apply time about the time it takes to actually tie a blindfold around someones head and make it so when youre handcuffed and blindfolded your inventory can be accessed but mostly the blindfold apply

Why is being an rp player bad? It’s either rp or PvP in 3 right now.

Don’t bother, he’s already devolved into snide remarks that have nothing to do with the thread.

It’s best just to ignore him at this point

I think this would be weird, hard, and kinda confusing to add. But i do think it’s a cool, new, and interesting thing to add to 4.0 if Nelson could easily add and modify it so it woulden’t get annoying i think that would be a great thing to add to 4.0!

I think it’s a great idea and allows for great PVP capabilities but as a server owner of a RP server I think there should be a command line to turn this off because I can see it being heavily abused with a bunch of players being knocked out by people trolling.

Also I can imagine just people getting knocked out and left there forever.

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except it wouldn’t be forever? it would be like a minute or so

But he can imagine being left there forever


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