When are columns inside columns coming?

like this?

its great, for organizing?

dont we want organized post?

please fix
@Yarrrr @MoltonMontro

  1. I mean
    a. I have no clue what feature you’re referring to
    b. who would even use this lmao
  2. it’s not like this is already a feature in the forums
    i. but if it was, it’d also work for bullet lists too
  • yeah
    • you get the idea
obvious sarcasm aside, just double space before each line in your sub-column

triple spacing doesn’t work.

idk. I tried to copy-paste a google doc into SDG hoping the formatting would be fine, but it wasn’t like at all lol

just changed everything manually to bullet points

  1. ghj
    a. is a twat
    b. who cares lmao
  2. it’s not like he is already relevant in the forums
    i. but if he was, it’d also apply to molton too
  • yeah
    • you get the idea
      • cunt
dumb antics aside, what are you specifically requesting?


ok at this point im requesting you show me the raw text you did to put that there

1. is yarrrr the chad leader 9 trillion times better than molton the community virgin
  a. yes
  b. certainly
2. it's not like he is already relevant in the forums
  i. but if he was, it'd also apply to ghj too
- yeah
  - you get the idea
    - cunt

###### dumb antics aside, what are you specifically requesting?
  1. yarrrr ain’t funny
    a. says is cunt all the time
    b. makes jokes about Australia
  2. Molton v Yarrrr Epic Rap Battles of History???
    i. make it happen?