Top 10 anime betrayals.
Your meme is also shit.
Alright guys bullying is a big no-no.
We don’t want to get this thread archived and locked aren’t we?
Like, basically “every” post he makes turned that way to be honest. We should give him a break.
Oh wait nevermind.
Yes I agree, he needs to delet his profile pic
It ugly.
(that took way to long to do. )
The low rez version is. High rez is da best.
Also, at least it’s mine, not some meme from the internet.
Good, I can use that version of the meme on my Christian Minecraft server
Late to the party, but
tmw I see any meme in the SDG Forums unironically mocking the state of the Steam forums, therefore putting themselves at the level of circlejerking they were satirizing in the first place
when people post bad memes about posting bad memes on the artwork page, despite doing so themselves, ultimately making themselves somehow look even worse than they did before, achieving new levels of thottery
But I need my precious internet points!
So this doesn’t count since you made it?
Of course it doesn’t count, this is about deleting shit, not works of art.