What is this, 2016?
Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is? Insanity is doing the exact… same fucking thing… over and over again expecting shit to change. That. Is. Crazy.
i never expected change from this community, i expect nothing more and nothing less and that is what i am content with
I can relate to Kukoy on an almost spiritual level.
You both have a weird obsession of making let’s say ‘memes’ fixated around a subject that’s been beaten to death, namely you and ‘p2w = bad’ and shadowkukoy with ‘3rd person = no’ so I’d say there’s a strong relation between you two.
rainofpain = showkukoy change my mind
i know a rain of pain meme that will never die
i’m so proud of this community , seeing people getting triggerd is fun.
Cool, the 4 minutes you spent making these on MS Paint got you a like. Hope you’re content.
Pretty sure he said on a previous one of these that he was stealing these memes from Reddit, so it’s not even 4 minutes worth of effort.
4 Minutes to gather the memes.
what no I’m not disrespecting Hanako she has the most solid route out of all 5 girls
Personally I prefer Shizune but all Katawa Shoujo girls are best girl
as a fellow /ksg/ user, I respect your opinion
What game are you people even talking about
GTA 6 I think?
At this point I think if I reported this for spam it would actually get removed