Why does Nelson hate crafting? First he changed the system so that we have to click a tiny button now to craft something instead of just clicking the whole thing, which was much more comfortable. And just as I was getting used to it, he messes with it again! Why Nelson? Why? It’s so pointless!
The crafting UI is bad and he is trying his best to fix it, leave the man alone.
The only thing that we knew is to complain, we need solutions. The small button is there to stop us from crafting wrong objects accidentally.
Nothing was needed to be done. Crafting was absolutely fine and it did not need to be changed like this.
By the way, Nelson already added a toggle to not craft items we don’t want to, so why add the tiny Craft button then?
BeCause It lOOkS nIcE (ask Nelson)
Because sometimes we forget to turn off things… and those things would be pointless blindfolds
But we already have a thing we can click to make it so we don’t accidentally craft an item. Why then have that tiny ass craft button instead of just clicking on the whole thing which would be significantly more comfortable?
Ask Nelson we don’t know.
Its like one of my favorite quotes from Pete Hines…
You are very angry about this button placement change ehh?
This recent change was literally asked for exactly as how he added it.
People literally asked for a way to disable crafting recipes, especially for blindfolds and salvaging guns.
Because it literally can’t due to limitations with the user interface, as he has already stated in the past, hence why it’s not like that, because if it wasn’t a limitation then obviously it wouldn’t be like how it is right now.
The response to threads on this topic really hasn’t changed ever since they’ve first popped up.
I don’t think you understand what I’m saying. We already HAVE a button to disable crafting on a certain item. It’s where the X or checkmark is. Why then change the way you craft an item from just clicking on the whole thing to a tiny inconvenient CRAFT button. How is this a limitation? How was it not a limitation before? What limitation?
We’re going in circles at this point.
It’s a limitation with how the game is coded. I don’t see how that could be any clearer.
i don’t see how its inconvenient. maybe the first time it was introduced it was inconvenient, but other then that, we don’t have a problem with it at all. besides, we get a craft all button. which is super helpful to new players.
You could already “Craft All”, you just had to SHIFT Left Click.
Okay, so it’s literally something that Nelson can’t do because of coding or something like that? Okay then.
I still don’t understand why this limitation only happened now and not before, anybody know?
Basically, with the old system Nelson simply found ways of working around the limitation. However this was as you know before we had the option to disable recipes.
Now that we do, some of the nastier spaghetti code is rearing their ugly head around and you get the semi-clusterfuck that is the complaints you have with the new system.
(I’m speaking very vaguely because I don’t know how Unturned was coded, so really this could be anything. Only Nelson actually knows)
Okay, this answers my question.
Basically a lot of the base code for Unturned was rushed and, though it got the job done at the time, turned out to be horribly entangling and complicated, hence why Nelson is taking his time with UII.