Why is there no official documentation for anything mod related?

There is no ”official guides” or up to date ones for spawntables, uploading to workshop, editing maps, unlocking vanilla maps for editing, creating npcs, making mods.

I’ve encountered this problem a lot lately when trying to make custom content for my unturned server, every time I try to do anything in unturned in a editor etc. I see that its really complicated and I have to search for hours in a variety of different guides for multiple different people just to do one thing.

One example of this is yesterday when I was creating a spawntable for zombies. I started searching for info and came across a guide from 8-9years ago, which was very helpful yes but outdated of course, and i searched for a multitude of hours to fix something very simple. You may say that this is because of me just being stupid and I cant understand simple things, but no a new person to all of this is going to have trouble with simple things, with no help on anything it takes hours or even days to do something simple.

All the trouble i went through could be avoided through a simple official up to date guide. And I ask why make a complex system for everything yet not provide guides for beginners. I am posing this question genuinely, I mean no harm in what I say.

Unturned has an official modding/server documentation website.
Here: Try to look for what you need, it might be there.


To add onto what @Dizzpie said (– Thanks!), the official wiki has some of what you’re looking for.

We have a lot of plans for both sites in 2025. Specifically, introducing Cargo to the wiki (to semi-automate data for items/animals/etc.) and covering more subjects on our Docs site (and do so in a way that’s more beginner-friendly).


Thanks for the responses, i know of the wiki and what info it has, the documentation website. Both of these have helped me the most i think, but some details get left out which made me very confused, yet are very simple. Like the fact you have to use a .unlocker to be able to edit official maps, had to look through multiple sites, and several threads in the discord to figure that out. I would love for these type of things to be added to documentation. As i don’t see alot of people talking or doing guides on such niche things.

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.unlocker has quite a few guides on the steam guide’s page. If you can’t find information about something on docs, wiki, discord, then I would recommend checking there, since there are a lot of old guides that can cover some more niche material.