Before I actually start spewing out meaningless garbage for all of the world to see in text form, I should get some things out of the way
1:I have almost 2k hours in unturned (1938 as of posting this) 2: I have played alone, in a small group, and in a large group (barely used traps if we even took them) 3: I have played against players who use traps in and around there base, sometimes “effectively” 4: I don’t consider sandbags and other objects like that traps, this one was probably pointless but I know someone, somewhere looks at GHJ would get mad if I didn’t put this here
Traps for the most part can help you secure a perimeter of a base, block a certain area or spawncamp new players with them, but outside of these uses they don’t have much purpose, explosive traps fall victim to this than every other type, they are very impractical inside bases, they can be detonated or moved by members of your group, and they can get you or people in your group killed, making them impractical inside the walls of a base. These traps also don’t have too much use outside of a base ether, group members can’t see traps that are placed, do unless told where the trap is they will sooner or later walk into it. Barbed wire and barbed fences also fall victim to this problem as they don’t have many application inside a base, outside they don’t have too much ether, as they usually deter players with low end loot, anyone who has an assault rifle or higher will ether shoot or blow through them, making them pointless other than an early warning system which a well placed sentry could also cover. Speaking of sentries, they are hard to use effectively due to not having a clear outline of where they can reach, making them hard to position effectively, and due to their relatively low cost compared to other buildings, it makes them very easy to mass produce and spam inside a base.
Now onto fixes for these issues, 1: reduce cost of items like spikes and barbed wire, and remove them from loot tables so you have to purposely get them. 2: make claymores and landmines craftabke and also remove them from loot tables, also making them not deal damage to your group. 3: make sentries require computer parts and something I actually see with, like a craft able CCTV camera, so that clans will have a much harder time building them.
Now I don’t expect every one of these ideas, if any to actually make it into the game, these are just my thoughts on the problems with traps and the solutions we could use. Keeping in mind that there are still problems with them. But before I extend this post of gibberish to a 10000 word essay, I will conclude my thoughts here.
(P.S. damage with spike traps is apsolutely horrific)