⚡ Wind, Solar & Water Energy?

This post idea is from @skydragonfire05

With new U4 on the horizen I’d like to discuss the old fashion Generator that has been with us for a very long time. If we think about it, the whole game runs on fuel from gas stations. We use gas to power our cars, to charge our batteries in our cars, to run our base’s sentries and lights, and to power practically everything. Yet electronic devices like night vision, torches and non electronic devices like blowtorches have a practically infinite use. Today I’d like to discuss this.


In Unturned 3.0 we have a graphical setting called “Wind Quality”, not many player’s use this graphical setting because of its intensive use of GPU resources isn’t really fun for a smooth playable experience, unless you have a beefy pc.

But the thought of using wind was an intriguing idea, in U3 we already have map assets for windmills, they don’t actually work or even spin but are really for decor use. In U4 I like the idea of having windmills that were built before the apocalypse have the ability to be repair and used to generate power, we could connect the windmill to a battery reserve of some kind and run a base on it, charge our vehicles batterys and smaller batteries for things like night vision, torches and things like *GPS’s
(See post U4 🗺 GPS and Chart Navigation Tools? where I talk about that)


The Sun, the greatest source of power, and we don’t use it in Unturned 3.0, a survival game. :thinking:
Let’s change that. With the addition of solar panels we could have power to charge batteries in small electronic devices like torches, batteries, etc for when we’re not at home base. Sort of like a small survival charge kit. For bases it would be great for when it is not windy, allowing still for a constant allowance for power generation to the base, maybe not as powerful as windmills (Depending on how many solar panels you’d have on your roof or solar farm if you’re dedicated enough)


In Unturned 3.0 it is common on roleplay servers for players to build a base near a river of some sort, either for fishing for easy food or they just like the scenery. With the addition of a water wheel, quiet simply you’d be able to craft a fairly large sized water wheel and build it off your base and have partially 20% of it sunk in the water for it to spin against the water current, for if it gets windy water current would be faster than usual. This could then be connected to some sort of battery reserve and be used to power a base, charge batteries, charge car batterys and defensive systems like sentries.


This is more of a side note but I would like to see things like fuel be a bit harder to aquire, currently in Unturned 3.0 it is very easy to find a gas can, gas station and just straight up up a generator and boom power. Fuel in an apacolypse would be a bit if a harder thing to get seeing survivors would constantly be in need for it for their vehicles and generators, in U4 it would be nice to see a higher level of difficulty for fuel in general.

And for a more mysterious tool, the blowtorch seems to be using some sort of infinite propane to work, maybe with U4 we could see an addition of propane tanks? As they do exist in 3.0 as map assets.

Obviously this suggestion idea isn’t perfect and always open for suggestions/additions to it. :slight_smile:


This seems like a pretty interesting idea. But you gotta keep in mind how the actual power grid is going to work in UII.
Will we have wires connecting different devices? Will it be like 3? You gotta consider this when making a post like this.
Of course batteries would be really cool and it would be super nice to have those. But a idea is just a idea if you think of it like that. This is good suggestion but I’d say it’s too shallow to really draw any important conclusions/additions to the game.


Also at what speed are you producing these suggestions? You seem to be posting one every hour at this point.


Of course, but the intended idea wasn’t really for powering whole cities, mainly for use of just survival
and powering things like the base and electrical equipment.

I just recently joined the forum so I have quiet a pool of idea’s really, been playing the game for just over
3 and a half years now and had many thoughts for the game, also I can type fairly fast so yea. x)

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i didn’t read, just copy paste rust electricity system

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Solar should be pretty easy to implement, Water as well: “as long as the thing’s in water generate X amount of electricity”. Wind will prob be harder to do, but could definitely be done.

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How do you mean?

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Well this is what is on the “Unturned 4.x wishlist”, it’s not on the roadmap right now but I’m very hopefull that something like this will be in Unturned ll


Hate to be a party spoiler, but…
just like @skoeldis said, that’s already at the Unturned 4.0 wishlist.

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Yep thanks we already knew that. Could you atleast read the replys before posting? Come on it’s not that hard to read 8 replys before saying something.


Directly above your reply someone said that. And yet you tell other people to do more research?

I think it’s a really good idea, especially solar and wind energy.


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