so I used the Ireland objects for my map, as well as the France ones, which I both got from the Workshop. The Ireland stuff isn’t showing up, and there’s shit floating in mid air on my map and everything’s gone to shit. The France buildings and stuff are still there, but if i search for them in the little search bar/object browser thing in the Editor, I can’t find any of them. Can I get an easy fix?
Okay, so apparently all the zombies are fucking naked, as well. I assume this is from Nelson switching to the newer Unity update. Okay, well that fucking blows.
Are you trying to edit a map in the Unity 2017 preview branch while using content bundled for Unity 5.x?
Because neither of those maps are bundled for Unity 2017. You shouldn’t be editing your map in the Unity 2017 preview branch anyways, imo. It’s a test branch.
That, and the update post specifically said France wasn’t bundled in Unity 2017 (and thus not available in the preview branch).
I’m making a custom map with the map editor.
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