There should be a lot of weapons, it should be divided into civilian and military copies, have their own cartridges, cartridges should also be diverse (armor-piercing, sub-caliber, explosive, etc.) We believe that the idea with improvised weapons is very good and should be developed through introducing new instances of handicraft weapons and modifications to them, however, it should be taken into account that they should look organic and quite home-made. A normal weapon care system should also be added. You can make the pollution parameter (as in Metro Exodus) - the weapon will need to be cleaned, otherwise it will cause misfire. Also, reduce the rate of weapon breakdown , because sometimes it’s not so logical, when after three fired clips you should repair it, that could be okay for handicraft weapons, but not for modern weapons.

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The only thing that I would like to see is all sorts of little things such as: elbow patch, knee armor, shoulder armor, reinforced gloves. All kinds of interactive pouches that can be hung on the armor. Which will also provide some protection. Well, more variations of armor, both handicraft and already manufactured. And I would like to have the function of producing handicraft armor plates.[poll type=regular results=always chartType=bar]

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Clothing in 4.0 already looks cool. It is modular, it has physics and looks good. However, there are some shortcomings (essentially one), not enough shoes. It would also be nice to see the finalization of the gradation of clothes from Unturned 3. Consequently - a larger number of varieties. For example: clothing t5 (tier 5) will have increased capacity and increase the player’s protection parameter. Also, the addition of items such as quivers, holsters, scabbards, sword-belts and other usable items (and it seems like it is already in 4.0) can be attributed to clothing. To summarize this point: we need the development of gradation mechanics, a greater number of clothes and a greater value of various items, and if you take into account that all this will work with the weight system now, this may become one of the best aspects of Unturned 4.0

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Honestly, while it’d be stupid, really REALLY too indepth, and probably a pipe dream, I’d like to see an armor system in the vein of AAPM off of ArmA 3.
I’d also like to see weapons and such being placed properly and things you’d assume to be set pieces to be interactables. A set of full plate in a museum, hampers carrying, relatively light, and 100% immune to arrows, cutting, etc. Bullets… are another matter.

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