Wow i made a 4.0 style house



Would this work in Unreal engine?

Did you follow the actual modding guide’s dimensions though? :wink:

(EDIT: Actual critique though. Your roof ventilators look under-detailed and not all that metallic. The house might also be a bit compact, although who am I to judge.)

Danaby hacked nelson and stole the house, can confirm, am nelsons computer


Wow,made by map creation in 3.x or Unity3D or hacked in Nelson’s computer?

Neither. The latter was a joke and the former isn’t possible. Props/objects are made in Blender and other such software.


How come toasters are mentioned in the requirements but potatoes aren’t, then?

On the other hand, nuclear anything should be ok for running Unturned.

Usually, yeah. Can I just say how nuclear power really is the key to the future and the negative effects are seriously overstated? Alright thanks, that’s all from your local nuclear power enthusiast.


Yeah, the problem for you making it legal is the environmentalists. They want one kind of power. The mythical kind. Every time a clean source of power hasn’t appeared, they have shut it down.

yes i did follow the dimensions which were specified on the official unturned 4.0 wikipedia which has this url :

unturned 4.0 Wikipedia

Incoming legal implications u thot

The Wikimedia Corporation would like a word.

its a masterpeece

Nice work!
Some tips I didn’t mention in the props page yet:

  • Roof details like vents and the window frames are separate props, and will be automatically placed (not yet though).
  • Following a color scheme for the different surfaces will allow randomly swapping out material layers to improve variety.

Here’s the featured house pic in blender:

Right now I’m also considering bringing the current eavestroughs to LOD1, and giving them some depth on LOD0.


Nelson, will the optimization in Unturned 4.x be better than in 3.x? (Obviously, not right now, but a few months / years down the road)
3.x looks similar to roblox, yet runs at a third the framerate. Many people including me who use dual slotted toasters would appreciate better optimization. What specs do you use for testing Unturned on? Can you hit 1080p 60 FPS on it?

He’s already covered this in the devlogs.

Yes, it will be better.

FPS has nothing to do with graphics or artstyle, it has to do with optimization, which Nelson hit a massive roadblock for in 3.0, hence why he went on with 4.0. Optimization in 4.0 is one of his top priorities, even while maintaining good graphics.


Good to know that I won’t be crippled by low framerates, thanks! :smiley:

I can answer all those questions for you-
Yes, it will be better
3.0 is unoptimized because of code, or so I’ve heard
and Nelson does seem to run the game well with high specifications from what I’ve seen.

It’s a thing with the Unity engine

Can someone explain to me what is a “Lowwer Lip Trim” and a “Edge Trim”? I’m not that good in english…
And what does Nelson mean with " 5cm below and 10 out to the sides"?
And if the distance from the ground to the windows is 1m, the top of it wont be aligned to the top of the door, and it looks weird…

“cm” is the unit of measure for the distance. It is short for “centimeters.”

Windows typically aren’t placed based on alignment with the top of doors to begin with. They can be above, level, or (more commonly) below. That also depends on the window size, assuming you mean the top window edge being aligned with the top of the door’s frame.