Why is dis in the meme subforum.
I mean, I could get it if it’s swastika. But this is too normal.
look closer
and harder
Wait. I think I pick up something.
Why are there only 1 grocer. How can your citizens of this city of yours buy a bag of doricitos without dying of hunger first?
I honestly don’t get it because Imma norm
where’s the spiderman pizza theme when you need it
Is it a… Whatever the thing is called that uses to be a Buddhist thing and then the Nazis ruined it?
i dunno, but when i found out what it is i lost a few brain cells
no it’s not a swastika
I recognize It but I can’t remember from where…
Population: 25,100
someone got it
Stop it. Stop it now.
I found an image like this but it was heads instead of roads…
I just found out what it was…
in only 7 hours
Shudup. Ive never heard of the meme before today.
HOW? It’s kinda everywhere.