Yeah this didn't work

Alright, that’s it.

That’s enough. Making this was a mistake. Opening it again was an even bigger one. No more.

Day 1

  • RedComm makes one of the biggest mistakes in his life.

28 Days Later

  • RedComm snaps his fingers and ends the chaos once and for all.


soo do we just edit this post and fill in the stuff in between

yeah (not spam you dummy bich 10char verifier)

Well thats what it looks like

ok (10 chahrahsrcters)

Well this post looks beautiful

Bruh, if you make a post that’s only purpose is to watch how quickly it becomes vandalized, it will of course become vandalized. If you just want to see wiki posts in application, you can look at 4.x Topic Registry, other forums, or atleast make a properly categorized post for it.

Yeah, I’m going to fucking call you out @calamari. Blame him, not me.


This was a mistake

Why the fuck can’t people take this seriously… we are suposed to be the better part of the unturned community

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The experiment has concluded.
The result is that we’re all degenerates and that we’re only slightly better than the Reddit.

If you thought I would leave, @tehswordninja, then I regret to inform you that you are sorely mistaken.

That is all. Also, have a poll on what I should do with this.

  • Open it back up to show ourselves that we’re better than this
  • Open it back up so we can fuck around some more
  • Stick it into the Regular lounge where it will rot for all of eternity
  • Ask Molt to delete this thread
  • Leave it as is as a reminder of why we can’t have nice things

0 voters

Ah so my first post about saying this forum is like reddit but more civilized and memey was correct,
Very epic

Aww looks like I missed something cool

weird…but cool

Fuck how do I edit
I need to share the day we ran out of food and… Well… Ate it

The people have spoken, and so I must open this shitstorm back up.

This is why demo- cough democra- cough democracy is the most inefficient political system out there.

Also, this has quickly become the next chain game thread.

Yay it is open again

MuhahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahHA HA HA HA HA

Just a quick reminder, I can fully see the shit you’re adding as well as who added it. And if it’s bad enough, I will make a joke at your expense.

For example, @anon67155151 here is having some trouble with his pants being too tight.

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redcomm you tasted goog


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