Yummy! \o/


Take ye’ pick, scoundrels. I’ve never been good at answering these CAPTCHAs.

  • garbage
  • book
  • banana split
  • truck
  • pencil

0 voters


You’ve never jumped into a delicious book before?


I changed my mind. Grafite tastes better.

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You feel like you’re going to have a bad time.

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Ya’ll ever just eat a pencil.


Didn’t we already tell you on Discord to pick " "?
Also, are you having trouble with this Captcha because you are a robot?


I can’t adapt without intensive feedback.

And " " didn’t work so I need to try again the next time it comes around. :c Once you get the right answer the first time though… you’re set until they change it! \o/

I’ve already come to the conclusion “banana split” is wrong because that’s subjective and surely not just “one” thing, plus “garbage” can technically just mean something is unhealthy or whatever, so that’s left me with four options to work out!

What makes you think that?

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NYC’s garbage is like a hobo heaven.

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relevant image


See here’s the thing, A book is good because it’s mostly paper and knowledge

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I’ve been told that a truck engine has everything the human body could need though! Carbon… iron… fuel…

Books don’t give you that. :thinking:

Also I need some more help plz…


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Molt what are you trying to access? This is some advance type of captcha.

Or am I a robot?


easily pencil

if you say something else I just can’t talk to you beyond this point

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you haven’t lived if you’ve never had the chance of eating a piece of some sweet 540 horsepower Volvo GlobeTrotter FH

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Whatever you’ve been smoking…
Stop it. Get some help.

Here, let me help:

Sop butt moHbogh 'ej 'oH DaSov Hoch

i think im not sure

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I have changed my mind…

A Nice Carbean Truck is better

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a truck is the last thing i ever licked.

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wdm, did you die? were you frozen to the truck? then froze to death? and your body is still there? WHAT IS THIS MYSTERY

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