To make the zombie more enthusiastic to kill you.
to be a challenge for survival in a hostile environment
the best example of intelligent zombies:
1 zombies have an unpredictable run (jump)
2 look in the buildings to find you
3 zombies hide behind the walls when you shoot in them (not too much)
4 zombie will cut the path (flank you)
These are called players btw. There is no way any game is going to replicate actual players anytime soon.
This seems a bit of a random suggestion.
The way you word this makes it sound like they’re always going towards your position, which is weird. If you meant to say that zombies should be able to shuffle around freely, then just say that instead.
Yes. Zombies do need an improvement in AI, especially so all 50 of them don’t cluster up into a 2m2 spot while chasing you.
The generall accepted form of zombie, is that they are dead. Therefore, they do not feel anything. This applies to emotions, pain, and even fear. This is what makes zombies so dangerous, they will not tire, they will not rest, and they will continue following a target until they either lose contact, or are destroyed.
Included in this statement is that rigor mortis applies to them to a certain extent, meaning they have impaired movement and reaction time.
These are essentially their only advantages, numbers and their inability to feel anything.
It would be a mistake, however, to underestimate these.
Zombies Certain deaths create zombies of the player, which must be hunted down to retrieve loot, or allow the player to potentially play as a zombie after death.[77]
what will be?, wat will be?
This feature is not confirmed. You’re quoting a page that says this at the very top. Trello cards are still the worst of the available sources to get information from currently due to being so old (even before the decision to use the Unreal Engine) and just a collection of ideas the community had.
The overuse of memes and dramatic text makes it hard to take your posts seriously sometimes.
Zombies like from World War Z would be dangerous and challenging enough for me (maybe too much). But, smart zombies? That is mainly seen in Resident Evil series, and even like that these are not too far from the regular concept of what a zombie is.
I think you’re asking way too much. Anyway, that level of intelligence from a zombie can only be reached if a player commands it, as others have stated before.
Those zombies are actual players, there isn’t ANY form of AI in PUBG, in any gamemode.
However, i remember seeing a video of a zombie mod for Insurgency where the AI was actually pretty good. Though, based on rigged spawns, given that you have point to capture, it wouldn’t be a great idea, unless Nelson manages to make that AI dynamic and work its way around the player, rather than being spawned in when it’s needed, like it does in the mod. Apart from that, zombie AI should definitely improve. At least make them not bundle up or walk in a line like they did since 2.0. Maybe even before that, i’m not sure. As RedComm said, zombies’ strength lies in their numbers, so staying with that is pretty much the best route in my opinion, though there can be a thing like a sprinter zombie. Now, not talking about our little, hunchback zombie we have currently, my idea was a sprinter like the ones from Left 4 Dead, of course, added as a Special Zombie. Maybe their AI can be make so they traverse the quickest, or most advantageous path to the targeted player, maybe both based on RNG, like, 1 Sprinter “decides” to jump over the fence infront of you, the 2nd Sprinter “decides” to go around it and behind you. Sounds interesting to me, but that’s just an idea.