Zombie Genres/Types

Since Unturned ll is a big deal for adding new stuff to make the gameplay more alive, i though maybe adding new types of zombies to spice up the environment the game has.
Rather than normal original zombies wandering around and stuff, adding new species, like different actions, when they appear, what they look like and how dangerous they really should be. As a Small Internet Drawer, i could give ideas for some species.
I got some species to show, but i need to make sure if everyone is interested.


This is cool , but i think people talked about this subject already but you are new here so it is ok ,dont worry but ask others to make sure this has been talked about already.

I’m new in the forum, but not new in other social media, the subject about this has been discussed, but not about new zombie types.

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…yeah. zombie genres. you know, like…scifi zombies.

i don’t think you know what that word means.


I am not sure what qualifications being an “Internet Drawer” brings to the table of suggesting things that are already confirmed. There already is more than one zombie type and there will likely be far more in II. There was no reason to create this post other than the motive of getting your (honestly mediocre) drawings seen. Stuff like this just clogs the forums. Nobody is going to give you either permission no objection when it comes showing off your concepts. I am sorry but all this appears to be is a disgusting seed that will grow into a meek advertisement for your crappy drawings and “renders”.

But on a serious note, I am sure you have some interesting ideas and as an actual piece of advice, I would recommend posting your pictures next time rather than asking first. It may be beneficial to read around before making a suggestion to avoid some of the common mistakes. (Below are a couple good posts outlining the process). Welcome to the forums, I am excited to see what you have to show!


I think this is a good Idea and Ive also been working on a zombie topic but I havent had time to work on it on some time now so yeh…

But I agree, different types of zombies/turneds should be added to thr game to make it more alive, just give the game more stuff that would make the game more interesting XD

Also, its okay to talk about stuff that has already been discussed, Its intersting to get new ideas and point of wievs to those subjects. :slight_smile:

Ps. Welcome human :smiley:

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It has been discussed many times. Anyway since it’s your first post, good job on the idea!

This is not an advertisement for his drawings , he is just new here and he didn’t know that this has already been discussed , and while his drawings might not be the best they are certainly not ‘‘crappy’’ .

As @FarmerZombie says, it is not an advertisement. I know its my first time here but i actually made some.

These aren’t that good but you get the idea.


What do these spreaders do ? Also , they don’t realy fit the style of the game . The ribcages and the heads seem a bit too detailed .

Maybe this should be as a Unturned ll mod.

Subjective. In my opion

is just that. Granted I can see where he was going with the concept. But yeah, if you have some suggestions to share, just share them.

Just post it.

This, this is what makes it see like

Maybe you really had the best intentions, but the way you presented them ruined it.

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Ideas and suggestions and drawings and all other stuff dont need to be in unturned style, its an idea to the game that could make the game more interesting. At least according to mr, because its hard and anniying to try to copy someones artstyle just so that you can explain your idea.

Also, these look interesting, plz explain to me what you have thought about the turneds/zombies, cuz I am interested in knowing and seeing but I need and want an explanation so that I dont missunderstand or anyone else reading either, and so that I understand your ideas and point of wiev to the game too :smiley:
(Like it would matter alot that I understand… )
but srsly I am intersted so plz tell me more :smiley:

The zombies in Unturned ll have to be more alive, i try to make something that does not exist, to make it real (not really). Every zombie game you’ve played so far has alot of types of zombies, take L4D2 for example, you got the Smoker, Witch, Bomber, Tank and others. All of this can make any game more alive. And the “Charged” Type isn’t the only one i came out with, i also came out with “Nightwalker” type, which is like a zombie, but more powerful and agressive.

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What about coming whit original zombie ideas that havent been used in other games to make the game more unique i m tired of seeing the tank the spliter the guy in the hazzard costume tha fast guy the guy that explodes the guy that dosent like light the guy that screams and calls the others the guy that want to suicide…we need real original ideas.

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Now that I think about it , I fully agree

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Yes I agree on that.
And cool, you could add to your topic (this topic)
Edit: (and then some explanations about the zombies you’ve come up with, as an example a “biter” its not very agile, main attack biting, avarge speed, not very intelligent. And so on… also you can add pictures of your drawings of that type of zombie to your explanation, wich will give an picture to the readers of how the zombie could look like (as an idea).

You could also just do this thing as an comment to your topic instead of editing to your topic :slight_smile: either one works as long as you explain and show the zombies so that we understand and also see your ideas :slight_smile:

Only the name doesnt tell so much about the “zombie specie”

But I atleast am interested in knowing more about your ideas on the zombies :slight_smile:

I agree o that too but the good classic zombies shouldnt be left out even if they are already used very much and so. But one thing is needed if there is going to be ridiculoys zombies like the flanker in UII… EXPLANATIONS, explanations why they are like that and so on XD

But yeh… new zombies too plz

Ps. To everyone reading what I am saying. I am working on an zombietopic myself too so I hope that people will not get offended and annoyed bc I post a zombiepost some tume in the near future even if there is many zombietopics already and so on… apologies about that beforehand XD Ill put links to other peoples zombietopics too If i find them relevant to my topic or something like that XD ( if I remember to do that)

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…Ill shut up now xD Im talking too much :smiley: