Zombies and their behavior

Zombies need to be harder to kill in 4.x.I suggest to make them only take damage when you shoot them in the head by shooting a zombie in the leg he should become slower or turn in to a crawler stunning should last only around 0.5 seconds. Runners should run on their legs. They should always go for doors instead of windows because it looks more normal . Burners should spawn at burned citys , acid at laboratory’s and deadzones , flankers in the forest and rooftops , flankers should be more visible. Wut du ya think and they should have random health attack speed and stunning speed


What is this, The Walking Dead? If you think that zombies should only take damage to the head, then you should try shooting some zombies first. Chances are, you’ll hit about 9 out of every 10 shots. Now throw in a couple spitters, some runners chasing after you, a mega, a couple flamers just to make things hard for you, crawlers that you have to clean up, and some flankers so you have to constantly watch your back.

You’re going to have a hard time hitting those shots under that kind of stress


Formatting please?

We don’t even if there will be burners, acid and flanker zombies (I hope no :ok_hand:)


I sorta like this, will make people avoid towns more. And be cautious more in the wild.


I can tell you’ve never played Left For Dead.


Headshots only would be an added challenge :thinking:

Possibly an option that could be toggled on/off depending on the server? Other than that, I do like zombie suggestions.

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i actually couldnt read that can you maybe rework this so people down the line(who are dumb like me) can understand

i can read you just cant spell

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