Zombies pushing vehicles

Well, I don’t really know is this a bug or no. I think zombies shouldn’t push cars. (I wasn’t holding s, zombie was pushing me). This works not only with a bicycle but also with other cars. It seems that the zombies are very strong. Please tell me is this a bug or normal thing?

Lmao, I like the preview of the video

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In the past I’ve noticed this to be more problematic in singleplayer in comparison to multiplayer. However, I may have just been tripping.

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I also ran into this in the past. Now I see this problem more often

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No, this is a problem that the game just has. I have multiple Unturned installs on multiple computers, and they all do this. If the first attempt to run over the zombie doesn’t kill it, it will begin to push the car, and in some cases, fling it.

I think this is caused by the zombies having collision meshes now. Since the zombie pathfinds to the player only to a distance, the zombie disregards the vehicle you’re in, and thus shoves the car.

I’m sure players who’ve played multiplayer for enough time can conclude they cannot push the vehicle, but they can sure fling it if they stand on it at the right angles (I’ve had a friend on Polaris flip a car without a jack this way for me).

I don’t know if this is a zombie collision problem, or a vehicle problem, either way, sure hope this can get patched someday.

Why on earth would a game, even one as wonky as 3.X, behave differently on different PCs?

The flinging, yeah absolutely. The pushing? No, I don’t see why they shouldn’t do that, they are entities with mass after all.

The calculations behind the physics might be a bit slower or faster depending on the components being used to process it. But you are right in the sense that the general behaviour of it would not change.


Hey, @TSB. Thanks for the bug report.

This is a known issue. I recommend following this GitHub issue: Zombies able to push cars in a weird way · Issue #4553 · SmartlyDressedGames/Unturned-3.x-Community · GitHub.


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