How did you find out about Unturned?

And i begin to play at 2019. im the latest guy… I know. But its Fun



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god damn it why am i not shitposting

anywho heres my history

found unturned from ballistic squids video
became obsessed with the game afterwards
couple years later around russia’s release

i was looking for games to play because i just had got steam, this was i think right after PEI for 3.0 was released? Maybe before? I watched melikebigboom’s videos and really liked the game.
I started in 2.0 because I didn’t know how to play the dev branch.

Entakt. Before he stopped playing it.

Edit: I watched him play 2.0 and got interested and downloaded 2.0 just before 3.0 showed up. But I didn’t put in the code until quite a while in.

My personal favorite experiences were when Washington and Russia were added, as it felt awesome to explore the maps. Russia felt huge when I first played it, and I started playing it with a few friends. I remember how awesome it felt to come across the tracks and roundhouse, and I remember flying, and we thought we were at some random point in the map, and then we flew into the deadzone (which everyone on the plane started panicking. Side note:i was the pilot)

I remember landing in the military base… And many memories of playing in Russia with a few friends.

I don’t talk to those guys anymore.

The next map that interested me near as much was Germany. By that point I had gotten completely invested in mapmaking, and Germany was one of my favorite places. So yeah.

Side note:i remember plants and tanks being added, as well as boats.

That was a long time ago…

I started playing after a friend told me about it. I started playing around 2.0 (probably during Operation Maple Leaf, but I didn’t know it existed, so I only started playing 3.0 when it was merged with the main branch) . My first (and only) memory of playing 2.0 is running from a zombie for like 10 minutes :thinking:

wait, whats unturned?

On the 25th of March 2017 me and a friend went to another friend’s house for a sleepover. He told us to get this cool game called ‘Unturned’. We played for hours.

Since this post has been somehow revived…
I found Unturned back in 2014 during the summer while browsing for free games to play with a friend. We got hooked after playing for the first time. Don’t know what it was that actually got me hooked, but hell, I loved (and still love) Unturned :]

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I remember this thread back! I never commented on it, but here’s my story.

Back in the days of 2.0 I saw a number of friends on my friends list with the Zombie as their icon, for some reason I found this annoying and tracked down the game it came from. I installed and booted up Unturned. Spawned by a lighthouse, thought the game was stupid and uninstalled the game. Years later it was the Holidays, Festive Russia had just released, I installed Unturned because I had forgotten the game and was broke, but wanted to play a game. The first map I played on was Festive Russia, so I sort of hold it dear. Regardless, I didn’t like the game, but I found out it had a map editor. I had already been mapping for Team Fortress 2 for a few months at that point, and I knew I liked mapping, so I decided to load up the editor. My first ~500 hours were purely editor/testing my own maps. I never really enjoyed Unturned as a game until roughly around the 1,50 hour mark, witch was way after I started to get into modding back in early 2018/Late 2017.

i watched a lot of dayz and wanted to play a free game like it

Did you ever end up buying DayZ? And if so, have you been enjoying the latest updates to it as of recently?

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2rgames came up in my recommend. (Found it through YouTube)

I googled roblox and it came up


I think i got into unturned by watching a youtuber when it was in the 2.0 stage and i remember i was looting a military base and running from zombies and hiding in those towers at the base and then shoot the zombies and do that again and that is about it

no, i never ended up buying it. I have considered it, but i am unsure of it because i remember hearing a few negative comments about the game when i watched it

Friend found it on /v/ and told me about it on steam release day, played it for a few hours, disliked it at first, but grew to like it once I tried multiplayer.

around august 2016, my older brother told me about it once we got a pc that could “run” it, he didn’t play much but boy did i play it a lot. Played whole different kinds of servers until i found out about creative servers, then about 2-1.5 years later here i am today, disliking the game.
still have many memories and a few screenshots on this creative server that had like 30-40+ mods on it, it was small and wasn’t apart of a network at all.

here is a few

(put 2R on the flag as a joke)

Joined a group that had been active on the server, i’ll just abbreviate it LN.
Then the server permanently shut down unexpectedly one day and had never seen it since (the person who owned it likely rented), i soon however am going to host a server similar to this to revive it.
LN had been dormant for a year or so after the server shut down, recently the owner has decided to get things moving again.

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