Combination guns could be cool, but they’re probably the second most difficult type of firearm to come up with a control scheme for. (Second to weapons like the double mosin [fictional], Villar-Perosa, and other aircraft or anti-aircraft guns with multiple completely independent actions, magazines, and triggers) It would be even more difficult than controls for dual wielding, (in which reloading and ADS aren’t really important features anymore,) DBRs, (especially if you only allow them to be used with clipped together magazines,) express rifles/coachguns, (which would eliminate the complexities of reloading multiple types of cartridge/shotshell and of choosing between firing the rifled or unrifled barrel[s]) and rifle grenades, (which only need an additional button for loading the grenade.)
M6 Aircrew Survival Rifle
M30 Luftwaffe Drilling
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