Air purifier

Alright. I’ve bit the dust again to re-think about this.

4.0’s infected would be something like a “plant-base” organism (I think) in that case, this new “deadzone” might not be a radioactive wasteland. Rather a “hazardous biological” wasteland, in-which I’d be able to somewhat agree with this.

However, the concept of spraying your problem away is a little too bit silly, even for a silly game. (especially when that problem is a mind-taken fungus?) And as others have stated that gasmask exists. I don’t think that this would be necessary.

Not to mention that the spray’s effect would only lasted like 10-20 seconds at most.

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ike the splint example, there is something like a magic splint that instantly heals a broken bone, you can say ‘’ but the splint at least follows the bone healing principle it was created to help in that, since the cleansing spray was only made to leave the room smelling of melon ‘’, but going through the logic of does not exist see thisdownload this is an oxygen generator, without the help of oxygen cylinders (which is used to craft it) it causes you to breathe under the water, you just need to get close and ready you’re breathing, tell me does it exist? i dont looking for confusion only justifying my topic and removing the doubts, as much as the effect of the spray it would not last 10 seconds I would kick a 50 seconds, if the virus is of vegetal origin or a fungus it would make even more sense the use of purifiers since the main intention of them and kill microbes that are in the air that is the case of fungal spores.

Take it as you want. But using a civilian grade air purifier for looting a highly-rewarding places doesn’t seems right to me.

Sure, sprint does have a magical properties to heal your leg instantly. But keep in mind that it was in 3.0, not 4.0. And we’ve already suggested on how sprints and other medical shenanigans should’ve been in 4.0 to death.

Oxygenator was added due to “Balancing reasons” to make
skybases and underwater bases harder to maintain. (Even though I think it shouldn’t exist. It’s existed. Because people wanted it to existed at that time.)

Now, look at our cases. Do people wanted it to happen? Does it has a preferable alternative? Does it make the game balanced? And should he programmed a new system which is extremely hard to programmed and understood when there’s a more reasonable alternative that’s already good by itself?

I don’t really wanted to continuing this conversation because it’d just be about the same thing. Bring up this feature, bring up that feature. Wadiladida it’s just bad. Deal with it.



Organic doesn’t mean plant based.

I know this is Unturned and all, but I think we won’t be seeing civilian-grade disposable purifiers that would handle goddamn Chernobyl any time soon.

You can kiiiinda contradict this argument by referring the Shadowstalker, but not really since rail guns are at least already a thing.

Finds a radioactive warning sign

Equips Fabreze


Hey, how about making air fresheners that can be used 5 times. And when inhaled it gives you more stamina. Oh, and you need to find them in 5 diffrent types of smell.

-And the smell of harambe.


Sooo, basically getting high off of the aeresol in the spray? No thank you… Not in this game…

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You’re right, Harambe is dead. Press F to pay respects.

I hope the angry gorillas that saw that meme come to kill you.





Surely can’t wait to erase Chernobyl’s radiation with the power of Pepper Spray


Please only use your dots in a HORIZONTAL fashion. Ex: …

I forgot how to add a large space.

Plz dun steb me wit ferk

< br >
without the spaces works

atleast, I think it does

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I also think the OP want to say about the first, not the second.
However the air purifier is great, is this a Winix?

best air purifiers|best large room air purifiers|

Unturned is fictional, so adherence reality or scientific accuracy can have as much wiggle room as they’d like. I’m attempting to give a relatively objective perspective for some replies on the thread.

Deadzones are areas of radioactivity. Current effective methods for clearing radiation are disposing of contaminated items and performing vigorous cleaning every inch of the environment.
Radioactive particles (alpha, beta, gamma, etc.) can go through the air just like dust and adhere to objects.
Spraying (adding more material) onto a contaminated object would not inactivate the isotope, but you could clean it off to help decontaminate it. I’m not sure about cleaning objects in a house being a U2 feature, especially when gas masks would be a much more effective solution since they would be effective everywhere while a spray would not be (assuming they were effective).

I did look up radiation spray. Not suprisingly, I found a few commercial products that seemed likely to be money pumps for the fearful. I have not seen verified sources that support the realism of anti-rad spray.

I could see something akin to an air purifier seeming much more effective than a spray. At least the radioactive particles are being somewhat isolated (HEPA filters would probably be best for something like this, but I’m not certain). Base building in radioactive areas would give you a buffer from your typical rag-tag raiders. An air purifier could reduce radiation effects and needing to build multiple machines or require medication (like rad-x?) to have effects eliminated. This may warrant a strength rating for deadzones to make certain areas more hazardous, though this may be a stretch.

Edit: Rad-x is a fictional medication from the Fallout universe, and this is where the fiction would kick in. Though, potassium iodide does exist and is used to protect the thyroid gland from radioactive iodine, so there is some basis in reality with it.

I can see your point. Loot runs through remote deadzones should pose a hazard to all players regardless of preparation.

There should be more of an emphasis on player vs environment instead of seeing deadzones as free loot assuming you have a gasmask and the skill points put into skills for fleeing zombies throughout loot runs.

The wording does seem a bit silly, though I hope my statement above summarizes their intended point.

Assuming that, perhaps radiation would be a separate node for the overworld and deadzones would be an unturned dimention. Complete crapshoot since I’ve done no research into this topic. It sounds interesting!

That’s an oxygen non-rebreather mask. I doubt that’d do much of anything for radiation.
Air purifier?
I assume the OP meant a spray given their further replies in the thread.

anonimoanbu- “yes, but it is a game okay to maybe purify an area of the dead zone (if it has dead zone) but small areas with radiation can be neutralized temporarily”

The concept has its basis in reality for sure. Just ask NASA how they recycle their air!

Replying to these dead ol’ topics

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Emphasis on further. That clarification came after my reply, and I already had my say on it over a month ago.

The party has already ended and I’m still looking up directions, late as usual.
Hopefully forum lurkers will spot my reply as a decent summary of the thread. :slight_smile:

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