Side note: Timers wont last for in game DAYS, rather seconds or a few minutes…
How long they would last
They wouldnt last several ingame days, which is unfortunately what people think is being suggested with crafting timers, rather a few seconds… Heres some examples…
1 arrow = Instant
5 arrows= 3 seconds
20 arrows = 10 seconds
base parts
Floor = 30-60 seconds
Wall = 30-40 seconds
Pillar = 20-30 seconds
roof = 30-60 seconds
Ammo Filling
Combing clips = 5 seconds
Refilling clips with crates = 10 seconds
Ammo Crafting
(Look to arrows)
1 bullet = 1 second
20 bullets = 20 seconds
Vehicle repair
20-30 seconds depending on damage
Gives a better feel to crafting in general
Makes it so someone cant instantly reload all of their clips in a middle of a gunfight
Is partially realistic
Makes the game slightly more fun in some way
You can do other things while the stuff crafts (Similar to 7 days to die)
adds tot he survival experiences
Takes up time
Apparently resources are enough of a limiting factor for crafting… as someone said
You know what is already a limiting factor on crafting? Resources.
Now do you people understand? And if you have no idea what Im referring to when I say 7 Days to Die, then go watch a playthrough of it you lazy bum
Crafting Timers seem reasonable
They seem bad even though there isnt really a valid reason that they are
Harvest posted this on another post, and it gives a pretty good explanation on why they would be good for the game
So how exactly would that work? What would stop you from crafting multiple arrows ‘once’ for instant crafting?
Also those base crafting times are absolutely ridiculous, I can’t imagine something similar to 3.0 base building (which already takes a while) and throwing another timer on it.
I don’t like idea of wasting player’s time. There’s no good reason for it.
It is your suggestion and you should either explain your suggestion completely or provide some videos with timestamps at least.
I also feel need to mention how much I despise polls made with options which contain bias:
Like really? If you can’t provide a simple poll with answers like “Yes/No” I won’t vote on anything.
There’s no reason not to do it… Unturned is going to be a survival game not pvp
shrug the literal only reasons anyone has against crafting timers is “waste of time” and “needing resources to craft is already a barrier enough”
Let not forget to mention that you literally can craft what you want with still not very much time needed to do it.
Once again, UII is going to be a survival game, not a pvp fest where you can craft whatever you need to win a pvp fight in an instant.
Crafting timers would be better for the game overall, whether or not you guys like it.
Also, heres a reminder…
The ONLY real reason people have said to not put it ingame is that its “A waste of time” All that tells everyone is that you are so impatient that you cant wait 30 seconds to get plenty of arrows or ammo.
Oh, heres another great reason for crafting timers that harvest mentioned…
If you accidentally craft an item, you can actually cancel the craft before it is complete, which is impossible for instant crafting
As Renaxon said, why is the player given penalties for crafting more items at once? Wouldn’t it make more sense to have a base crafting time, say 1 second for 1 arrow, and have a “bulk discount” when crafting more items, like say 3 seconds for 5 arrows?
I dunno. Also, you arent given penalties, literally it takes like half a second per arrow.(other than what you are suggesting) that adds up, and it shows the total time left till all of the arrows are finished crafting.
(I didnt actually add it up properly ofc, so the arrows thing isnt entirely accurate)
This just seems like you want people not to craft anything because making it a waste of time like this would be really damn discouraging. Just because its a survival game doesnt mean we need to have crafting times, this train of logic just doesnt make sense to me. 1 there is still gonna be pvp and 2 how does it not being a “pvp game” make crafting timers a good addition.
No, not it isnt, the only point you keep bringing up is being able to craft something to
but when have you EVER crafted something to win a fight? maybe medical supply but thats about i.
this is the one “advantage” i can somewhat see where you are coming from but you do know that unturned 4 doesnt have ammo crafting like in 3.0? you refill magizines in the gun inspect menu now, this point is null.
having to wait while something crafts doesnt make the game more fun in any way shape or form, whats fun about watching a timer tick down?
and how does it do this?
This whole post and that poll are just so dumb its extremely biased and youre talking as if your stance is 100% correct and everyone is just dumb. Theres really no room to discuss if every point is just gonna be shut down by “THERES NO REASON NOT TO DO IT, SURVIVAL GAME THIS IS GONNA NOT BE PVP BUT SURVIVAL” which is just plain stupid.
hmmmm… lets remember that someone may have decided to bring military crates… say the guy with military crates runs out of ammo, and is cornered… he hides behind a tree, and refills every clip. The guy whose attacking him thinks hes out of ammo, and runs up to find a guy with more ammo than him all the sudden. Timers would remove this, as it would give the guy enough time to kill the guy before he crafts more ammo. (yes, this is pvp based but its still valid)
I said in some way as I consider it fun from my experience with 7D2D
Did you miss that?
I havent been saying that as a full on reason, just mentioned it.
IF you actually want to read a debate on it that I had with someone else, read this
I dont like the idea of timers. They slow down the paste of the gameplay and are in most cases just annoying. I dont think they should be added purely because iTs GoInG tO bE sUrViVal nOt pVp . It might be survival but the pvp aspect will always remain to a certain extend. Which is good. Dont punish players for crafting, its just annoying and a waste of time really.
Yes, it does punish players, especially with the way you suggested it. Creating bases would be such an endeavor, it would only benefit massive groups which could split up crafting.
And yeah if your only reasoning is that it’s survival game (or that you like it in 7DTD, but you can’t seem to bring what exactly about it, because you seem to ignored that part in my previous reply and also didn’t want to explain in any other), people will bring up that pvp will also be present.
I don’t want my game to become a chore, I want to have fun. Not needlessly spend time on crafting.
Ohhh I dunno, perhaps maybe the fact that you can HAVE FUN PLAYING THE GAME WHILE STUFF CRAFTS?
Did I miss that? no.
SO your saying like 1 or 2 minutes is such a large inconvenience that people who arent in a large group wouldnt be benefited??? What?
Also, I mentioned 1-2 minutes based ont he assumption that it would take a lot to build a base. If it doesnt take as much to build it, lower the timer, I dont care. Im giving examples, not fact.
Tell me, do you enjoy crafting everything you need in an instant, or do you enjoy it taking a second or two.
You guys say that my only reason for it not being ingame is “Its going to be survival not pvp”
But you guys have only presented that it would be a waste of time, and a few features in a game that literally has next to nothing yet.
The game is still in its phase where it will change a lot. Im not going to change entire decisions ideas based on what is in a game thats only like 1/20th done
instant, i enjoy optimizing my type. In rust (a game with crafting timers) me and my boys would just spilt up the materials and craft things while we take shits or something. It adds nothing but a timer wall to gameplay
Those are your opinions which is fine, but saying its a fact by adding it to ‘advantages’ isnt right.
I dont know how much I would tilt if I had to wait for a minute to refill my ammo when at the same time theres a randolph with 10 hours in the game rushing and killing me because I couldnt do anything.
Here we go again…
When working on your base, you would still have to wait for everything to be ready before leaving it again and doing something else like looting or hunting. It technically would let you do whatever you want, yes. However in theory it would still mean that you had to wait untill everything is crafted.
if timers would be added, then just with a few seconds for each action. It shouldnt take minutes to get soething ready unless its maybe a rifle or something major. Base building shouldnt have a timer at all, you dont want people not to build a base because it takes up their time do you?
You know, it is faster if you split up the making of an item in rl… Why do you think we have factories…
Also, you still are presenting the same damn argument. Over, and over, and ove, and over, and over
Side note: crafting timers might make nelsons “factorio style crafting system” more possible. Why would it make sense that a machine set up for crafting would take time, when its faster to do it yourself?
Alright, AJ, you’re not making this better for yourself. At this point you’re just repeating the same points over and over again, and like others have said your points happen to revolve around either “you can still have fun while stuff crafts,” or “makes it feel more like a survival game.”
Now, personally I don’t have a problem with crafting timers, nor would I be too mad if they didn’t make it into the game, but to be honest you’re not really selling it to me right now.
Think about the implications of a mechanic like this. Would you personally be mad if you lost a fight because there was three seconds left on a crafting timer? Would you be mad if you lost a raid defense because there was still five seconds left on a spare wall you were crafting?
Now, balance out what people might not like about a timer, and come up with an argument that counters theirs. Sell it to me in a way that I will want it.