An Actually (Non)Decent Topic on Crafting Timers

By having crafting time in the game I think it will be easier to balance out certaint situations, like during combat and raids you would not be abel to instantly craft your medical items or more raiding gear to instantly get back into the action without any penalties.
So I’m all for crafting time

@MoltonMontro is it possible to change the poll so that It isnt as… biased? Rude? ect?

I wasnt in a very good mood when I made it, and it… yeah

Should I feel bad for Montro because everyone always puts stuff on him, or Yarrrr because everyone always passes over him?

Yarrrr is professional admin shitposter

The timers need work. 60s for one base part is bs.

examples, not fact.

I’d rather have an Unturned 2.0 style crafting system.

You would have let’s say a 2x2 grid in your inventory at all times. To make a bow you would have to craft a component, 2 sticks to make the base and a string from some plant. Then to create a pistol you would need a workbench near you which you would have a 3x3 grid to put different components crafted (or found) together to make a gun.

For stuff like ammunition and arrows timers would be better, but then crafting ammo would have to be tier based, so you won’t be able to make a .50 cal bullet in a cave with a bunch of scraps.

Neither crafting timers, nor tier based crafting, nor craftable building parts, nor a central building tool to place building parts, nor grid based crafting, nor refilling magazines through inventory interactions, nor refilling magazines through the crafting system prevents any of the others from being implemented. None of them are exclusive of eachother, and simply mentioning that you hope or believe that one of them will be implemented doesn’t mean any other one can’t.


Well, yea. Noone said that they are. It’s a stupid idea to exclusively implement one.


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