Bad food

By that i meant mby getting diarrhea and get a small icon on your screen

-1 (10 character bump)


I can imagine walking in a city and see a trail of shit leading a player that can’t keep his together


You made me Laugh out loud

Vomit would be more reasonable, but still, no thanks

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shooting down a gang of bandits, fighting for your life
Oh shit
vomits on the ground as you get shot and die because you’re too busy throwing up

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kylie that’s pretty realistic though…

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Yeah, stomach don’t wait for no one. When bad food gotta go, it’s gotta GO

Maybe a system like Sea of Thieves

I mean… diarrhea? Do we really need to be in the middle of a gunfight, eat some bad tomato soup, and then unleash the hoover dam out of our butt?


Fucking Loved Reading That xD
“Hoover dam”
Fucking hell xD

The idea of sickness, especially at inopportune times, would add a huge layer of depth and realism, but too heavy of an implementation could result in a higher difficulty ceiling. If there are different difficulty settings, I think major sicknesses like vomiting should be disabled on “easy” but enabled on “normal”, and worse sicknesses, like diseases, sould only be enabled in “hard” or “hardcore” mode.

You seriously think vomitting in a survival game is a good idea?

I think it is a good idea. If your immunity goes down below 50% then u have a 1/ 25 chance of vomiting per minute. When it reaches 30 you have like a 1/10 chance per minute and when it reaches 10 you have a 1/2 chance per 30 seconds. (The numbers are just an example).

Nah, if “the lower your immunity, the more often you shit” is applied, we’d be more busy shitting and losing hydration than finding actual food and water to save ourselves. So whenevet there’s a “shit/vomit” mechanic, I’m against it

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