I didn’t see any topics about this subiect yet and if there are I don’t think they are very detailed… Correct me if I’m wrong.
In Unturned 4 I hope there will be a balance between food… like you will need to eat vegetables, meat, bread to get all the necesary vitamins because you can’t survive only with tomatoes and water like you could in Unturned 3.
Now, I’m not saying Unturned should be that complex concerning food, but it is still a survival game and it needs an improvement on this part unlike Unturned 3 which doesn’t have a food variety system.
There are topics about food preservation but I didn’t saw any recent topic about a food system.
A simple food system can be like the one in ECO :
Carbs (short for carbohydrates) like bread,
Proteins (all types of meat and fish),
Fat (meat and fat products)
Vitamins (vegetables or fruit).
i dont like the idea of many types of vitamins in the maximum=
food, water and maybe a terciary factor, this complicate the game and in unturned is factor of 30min to you lose all food and water, in my opnion this is a thing very hard to implement in the game since because the food and water degenerate very fast.
Once again people act like 4.0 will be exactly like 3.0. It’s not likely that 4.0 will have a fast hunger drain. Also, I disagree with this post, you can survive off straight bread, if you eat enough, you may not be extremely healthy but you can survive. We don’t need all this stuff. Sorry man.
In the article they link to, it says in SCUM you can still survive with an unhealthy diet, but in order to get peak performance (whether that be most carry weight, fastest running, or best metabolism) you need a healthy lifestyle.
I think there’s a balance here between individual vitamins and the simple food/water stats. One thing for sure is that I don’t think there’s much reason to have both food and water again unless they have different purposes, i.e. food and water in 3 are essentially identical, instead focusing on stats like nutrition.
I think that having different food groups may be a little overkill and to complex for Unturned.
My Suggestion
I think that the more you eat the same food the less benefit it has to your hunger. An example is that if you have 10 bread and you keep eating it by the 3rd piece of bread it would do a little less to your hunger. This would force players to have a variety of foods without the whole food groups. It also stops players from stacking up 10mre’s in their inventory.
I agree with that, however, i would love to suggest an idea that might add a little spice to the mix
I mean, someone can spam on the same type of vegetable for food. How about, if you eat too much of the same exact food for too long, you won’t have all the potential benefits of that food. Like, instead of +10% food, we’ll get +9%. Again, that’s only if we have been munching the exact same food for too long to the point where it’s not as beneficial anymore unless we make a change
How about calories, vitamins, and hydration?
Calories and hydration would both be needed for health and stamina regeneration, but calories would be used keeping warm, while hydration would be used to cool off.
Vitamins wouldn’t be needed in as high quantities, and would help with immunity.
In my opinion, the food system doesn’t need to be that complex, but i can agree that it needs some changes. For instance, what if eating fat-filled foods made your player larger and made you move slower, and eating healthy foods would make your player normally sized and move quicker? That would give an entirely new reason to grow healthy foods, and it could give you an advantage or disadvantage in combat obviously. This would also make it harder to increase your stamina and jump height, therefore adding more challenge to the game. Though, i do think that this should be an optional thing.
I’ve noticed that currently in 3.x, hunger drops faster in cold evironments, and thirst in heating ones (of course this can be adjusted). I think that having both separated stats is still necessary for keeping that level of realism.
Also, IRL you can survive about 9 days without food, but only 72 hours without water. There’s an important factor to take in mind right there.
I don’t agree with that because I hated the fact that after planting 11 lettuce seeds you never needed to care about food again.
You shouldn’t be able to only eat one type of food to much. If you so then you’ll get affected like weaker or slower perhaps puke idk.
On the bright side you could move faster and feel well fed after eating “healthy”