This thread is going to be pretty simple and straight forward. I hope that in unturned 4.0 you will be able to see a players name while looking at them with binoculars. I don’t think that something like this would require much effort to implement.
Many times have I experienced in survival, where i have killed friendly players that i never intended to kill, because i wasnt able to see their name. If i was able to check out a players name from a distance in binocs, I could be able to avoid any of these situations where i kill players i never intended to kill.
From an RP standpoint, it would mean that hitmen and just interaction in general could be planned and executed a lot better.
Let’s make a scenario where you’re playing on a server, and a group of players is heading towards you. If you had binocs and was able to make out their names, and then find out these players are a group of bandits, or a group of nice guys. you would be able to decide much easier what you could do.
Ways of implementing something like this:
I’ve seen several replies to how this could be abused, and several replies to how this could be resolved. Lets say that the name wont pop up until you’ve been looking at a person for atleast 3-5 seconds, and hiding in bushes will make it so that players are immune to the name display. People in ghillie suit also would be immune to the name display, if they were laying prone in the grass.
it doesn’t make much sense for scopes, I do like the binocs thing though. As long as it doesn’t go through foliage, that’s all fine by me (unless your the one in the foliage, then it should go through. Maybe too hard to implement?)
When you’re trying to survive, it’s your own job to make sure you know you aren’t killing the wrong people. Just having a label on people when you look closer at them just kind of seems like a handicap, and surely doesn’t promote player interaction.
When you’re trying to survive, it’s your own job to make sure you know you aren’t killing the wrong people.
How are you even supposed to make sure you’re not killing the wrong people, when you’re risking your life by walking up to a person asking them if they’re friendly? From my long experience with unturned 2.0/3.0. i can tell you that player interaction most of the time are spontaneous and unexpected, and the player interaction in most survival games are reduced because of the fear of being killed by the other player. which is completely natural in a survial game.
You should probably check out my other thread about consciousness and its pros for player interaction. However having the ability to see someones name from a distance in binocs wouldnt reduce player interaction in any way, the fact that you have to let another player all the way into ur face to see ur name is handicapped, because no player is going to let someone they have no clue who is, up in their face just to see their name.
Ark has a smiliar system to this, where you scope in to check the names of players and animals. Tell me, does Ark have less player interaction? No Ark is probably one of the survival games with the most players interaction.
I am an advocate for this to be implemented. Currently there isn’t a way to identify players other than being in rear-sniffing range of them. It may not be realistic, and surely doesn’t promote player interaction… but it does provide a feature the players can have fun with.
I agree a lot on the concept (I think I suggested something like this on steam long ago) but it’s exploitability is huge. Just think of someone constantly checking the horizon, bushes and generally everywhere in a very quick way; He would be able to spot people extremely easy cus names would just pop up.
A fix to this, would be needing to keep the player you’re watching in the center of your binoculars for idk 3 or 5 seconds before the name shows, so to avoid those frenetic-all-around-checking people who could take great advantage out of this.
Yea it crossed my mind that there are several issues with implementing this system, however there are several ways of implementing this so that you cant abuse it. as you state, is one way of making it so that you cant abuse it.
You’re trying to start an argument about the reputation system, when the post is clearly not about what specific information is given when looking at a player, but about using binoculars to extend the range from which you can gather that information.
The name should only pop up after 3 seconds of looking at the player, and would require a direct line of sight. Generally speaking, bushes would not count as line of sight (on a technical level, this would basically count a “hitbox” around the bush, and other similar models/foliage would follow similar methods used in calculating if the player is in line of sight or not), unless the player was mostly out of the bush.
Players wearing a full set of ghille should not have their names come up, and also be immune to any other form of spotting (I mean, what if we got a scope that could tag players/turned for example).
yea, i replied to another comment about this issue, and nelson could implement this in a way so that you cant just hover over bushes and grass. there has been several suggestions on how to do this, like implementing it in a way that you have to hover over a player for 3-5 secs before a name pops up.
Yea. i 100% agree with this suggestion. This is probably the best way to implement a system like this. Maybe make it so that ghillie is immune to name display when prone in grass, but when they start walking/running they wont be immune anymore?