Brainstorm ways to technically get away with KOS on RP

calling people that make money off something legitimate “losers” while spending more than half of your day in this forum complaining about everything and everyone


p9nda you don’t understand
he’s a communist
legitimate business’s don’t exist in motherland sdg

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i don’t think people play on p2w servers simply cause they’re p2w…

hope you realize p2w servers, having a consistent source of income, are way more likely to have custom private workshop mods, private plugins they paid for, high qualiy admin team blah blah blah

it’s either cope with p2w servers or unturned 3 would’ve died a long time ago dawg aint no way you genuinely expect people to play vanilla pei/washington/russia for half a decade and expect the game to still be alive


p2w literally the only reason why unturned still alive rn dont get it twisted


@ForeverBlue The game would’ve died a long time ago if there were no mods. Starting to piece the puzzle together I can see why servers earning a profit putting energy into getting mods commissioned, custom maps, plugins, mods, more RAM, etc.

debunking opinions with other opinions, classic rain.

p2w is immoral but shitting on p2w staff is totally moral and just

you are hypocrisy incarnate

top unturned servers literally debunk this


There is many ways to make donate purchases not P2W and it still will be profitable.

Then stop it and get a life

good one bro u got him


There is but rain also once said that a kit that hands out canned beans just one time would still be P2W. pick one

unless you suggest the lamest shit ever like paying for a colored name tag as if anyones forking $5 just to get a rainbow name in a server


Pretty sure pandahut does that.

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Nope, they don’t

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That’s at least how it works on their semi-vanilla servers.

I guess if you look at P2W servers from a business perspective, the reasoning behind them makes a lot more sense. If you were to compare hosting a server to like, making a game, the hosting costs are like, the money you put into it to keep it going, and ideally whatever you’re selling will break even. It’s like microtransactions on a F2P game.

Considering why younger kids play Unturned in the first place (it’s free, has a lot of features, and plenty of mod support), and their mentality of not doing something unless they have to, I don’t think a server run entirely on donations would be very successful. You’d have to have some kind of reward to incentivize people to donate.

So at the end of the day, sure, it is scummy to prey on kids and their mom’s credit cards, but on the opposite end of the spectrum, is it reasonable to expect someone to host a server for free? You could always make the argument that “oh, if they’re hosting a server then it should be because they like the game, not to make money.” Going back to the business analogy, you wouldn’t expect a restaurant owner to make all their food for free because “the reason why you opened it must be because you love cooking, so you should provide it for free.”

Thanks cap.

but… do you know the difference between donate and P2W donate?

It doesn’t matter what they do on their semi-vanilla servers. 99% of their income comes from their other servers. pandahut is definitely p2w

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this is precisely the issue with “you can host a server off donations”

in a prepubescent game like unturned 3 the significant majority of donors are using their mom’s money or some shit and don’t understand money is worked for, they also don’t understand the time and effort it takes to make a server, especially heavily modded servers, kids like these are very very very unlikely to donate out of goodwill

the whole “p2w is bad wahhhh” is such a shitshow because it literally expects your average unturned host to spend a lot of time and/or money to doing something that is very inequitable.

too many of yall dont understand the common concept of that if we were to just have p2w servers disappear overnight, these players won’t go back to the OG gamemodes like vanilla and shit, they’d just quit flatout. if there never WAS p2w, the game would’ve been on a steep decline for years

people saying P2W is a cancer must not understand that cancer kills. P2W keeps unturned alive.

man it just hit me how stupid the hypocrisy is lmfao

monetizing your time and effort = greedy, immoral, shitty, a cancer

attacking innocent kids that wanna play rp = funny

demanding that server hosts be a slave to unturned and work for the betterment of the game as opposed than themselves (epic communism moment) = good


now a serious response to this thread:

there is no such thing as “KOS on RP” 99% of proper RP servers don’t allow for KOS no matter the context unless the server sucks. even servers with “faction wars” or whatever would have some form of initiation rules

i’ve played RP on unturned and other games as well and my favorite technique for getting into fair gun battles is getting a gun, find someone thats alone with no others nearby and no friends either, get in his face and tell him to drop his shit or you’ll shoot him.

since u caught him lacking if he does anything stupid it’d be failRP 99% of the time (e.g. whipping out a whole ass AR out his backpack) so he is required to comply till he finds a fair game opportunity to fight back.

however if he does fight back not only do you get to kill him but you also get to get him punished. if the rp server isnt shit they should have a compensation system that would reward you for the loss you suffered from not being entitled to his gear


Not this…