Brainstorm ways to technically get away with KOS on RP

You’re minorstanding the sentences: like speaking not about banning P2W aspect opinion, but banning the entire rewarding purchases (i.e. donate), which is very unpopular and mostly fictional view.

go ahead, list a way a server owner can profit off his server without rewarding purchases.

and don’t say “ads”. rain thinks ads are greedy too, as “some people have steam overlay lag” or whatever tf the reason is where a .png of some ad causes lag


This one you can be sure as hell they don’t have. In fact, I’ve seen P2W servers so desperate when it comes to getting more staff members that they allow people to buy a Paid Admin rank, and that also pretty much has never worked out for them in the end.

And without a workshop constantly fueling them with mods, they’d have died ages ago.
It’s not servers keeping Unturned alive. It’s the workshop mods these servers are based on.

The top Unturned servers are Russian, STALKER Exclusion zone RP servers, and unless you’re russian, you’re never gonna be able to confirm this statement of yours. (there’s also a polish one but you get the point)

If you were talking about english-speaking RP servers, then I can tell you that quantity of players, so, popularity, within the context of a videogame, does not necessarely equals quality. And most of these servers aren’t quality at all.

Unturned is not real life. Economics do not apply in full to people who can’t understand them and that don’t value their money as much as adults do (because it’s, most often, not even theirs) - ie the kids who play Unturned.

Also: most of these servers have influencers whose videos they use to attract players, so no matter how shitty a server is, as long as there’s going to be a influencer some people are going to join either way.

if you want to fuck with P2W servers just mess with the admins that own and contribute to using little kids for money, don’t mess with the kids themselves cause honestly then you just make them buy more shit to get the stuff you stole back and that just helps the servers themselves… besides don’t you have anything better to do with your life than annihilating little kids that pay for loot

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Im so proud of this community


One way me and the bois do it is just play on the server for 1 to 2 weeks
Admins will most likely be desperate for attention if they are give them it…
Build trust with them…
And then just start going on killing sprees and say
“Well they were trying to attack me first”
7/10 times admins wont check logs 9/10 times they will ask for video proof 9.99/10 times the opposing party dosnt have any…

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Man I said Im not a fan of banning the entire rewarding puchases (i.e. donate), but banning the P2W aspect of it.

And I also said that you was discussing wrong (for me), soo unpopular and mostly fictional view about banning the entire rewarding puchases. Separate the opinions.

I repeat this for the hundred and first time, but you can make rewarding purchases not Pay-to-Win, it will be not so hard and still will be much profitable. But the reason why this is not popular is because of greedy people who owns and runs these servers (yes Im talking about you Fudgy, Brad and P9), who just only wants to make as much money as they can.

please find a server that sells /admin, then come back when you realize that the amount of shitty servers that do are minimal

hope you remember that those modmakers are getting paid through commissions often, so what exactly is your point?

you missed effectism’s point if you exclusively select the literal top servers. a “top” server isn’t exclusively literally the #1 servers

unturned literally runs off of basic economics, it’s a game where you pay money for plugins, mods, hosting, etc, just like irl where you have to pay for things to get service, and the money that you paid with was earned through service you did (as in a job irl, or whatever) this is basic economics and unturned has clearly proven thats how it handles right now

influencers are also paid typically by P2W servers that have the funds to get their servers sponsored

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please list methods one can monetize his server without any form of rewarding his players

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my thread wasn’t a “change my mind” debate platform on P2W. the title is very simple.

If server doesn’t have overkill plugins that say why someone died you put barbed wire on car and start sweeping people then shoot/salvage it off when they say you did it

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One of the major offenders is actually one of the “big” servers - Bloodplayers.

The ratio between commissioned and independently made workshop mods disproves this argument. Most original mods are not made as commissions, all of the mods currently on the front page haven’t been commissioned by anyone, they’re the result of their developers’ free will.

The first page of the “currently popular” mods has no commissioned mods bar two (one very small uniform pack and a flag mod)
On the “most subscribed” mods of all time, you won’t find any commissioned mod in the first pages, and it’s only when you get to page 6 that you actually start finding them - and, oh look! Steam Workshop::Western Front Weapons the mod which I commissioned is the most popular commissioned mod!

I also went on to talk a little bit about the normal RP category, but I guess you like nit-picking.

None of what you said in any way relates to the point I was trying to make; yes, server owners, plugin and mod developers clearly have economic interests, but I was clearly referring to players choosing which servers to join and how or if to spend their money on them - something which most of them, being children, do not even value as much as normal adults do, because they’re incapable of valuing something that isn’t theirs, at that age. (mommy’s credit card)

This too is in no way an answer to what I was saying lmao. Yes, we get it, they have money for days, enough to have influencers give them BJs!
Who gives a shit? All we wanted - and the point of all the arguments made during the forum and town hall debates - was to safeguard the playerbase from predatory transactions, and that’s worked out. Congrats to us!

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Irrelevant, rain said he didnt know anyone who played on servers that give unfair advantages. The top 10 servers on a totally unfiltered server list at any given time are all servers with pay to win features, which literally is the opposite of this claim.

bullshit. even monkeys follow the laws of supply and demand in lab experiments.

nothing immoral about this. this has been an advertising shtick since the dawn of time.



just went to their website

they sell some shitty perks but no /admin is sold

i made the mistake of not listing this in my previous post but plugins > workshop mods

a bunch of cool workshop mods are useless if there’s no cool plugins to utilize said workshop mods.

oh brother this is coming from the same exact guy that started to debate my posts doing the literal quote-to-nitpick tactic, plz be hypocrite elsewhere lmao

quoting a pretty good statement: “even monkeys follow the laws of supply and demand in lab experiments”

i mean i guess ur inferring that since its mommys money = server owners shouldnt be profitting but that argument gets tiring after hearing it for the 389427th time

i dont particulary give a shit about what the unturned community does when it comes to p2w content im just here to say that with my plentiful experience on the economic side of games this whole thing is gonna backfire quick

in csgo community servers since there’s essentially no way to make p2w content there are servers that will kick you out if a donor joins

in arma 3 with a eula against p2w content entirely, the server list is a fucking shitshow of garbage - 99% of the servers are people hosting from their pc so the fps and ping is atrocious, the 1% are servers with abusive ass admins that can keep abusing because their owners dont give a shit since they would lose no money, donors can kick players out and use admin cam and shit (somehow thats not an unfair advantage in the eyes of the eula lmfaoo) i could write forever about how anti-p2w eula fucked arma 3 in the ass

i’ve said this too many times but i’d rather play a server where a dickhead with money can whip some gear out his butthole over a server where i get kicked every 5 minutes due to vip slot, dealing with servers with bad ping and/or fps, dealing with abusive staff because server owner has nothing to lose (shit maybe even an abusive owner lol) and the plugin market being dead causing there to be no cool gamemodes in U2 without nelson doing them himself

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Yes because obviously children = lab monkeys

As far as I’m aware most plugins on imperial aren’t commissioned plugins, as those would’ve been privated by the commissioners - plugins too are made independetly by their devs and are then purchased on the website - but I don’t know where you were trying to go with this argument, since most plugins don’t even go over 15$ in price while big workshop mods can cost hundreds.

The same applies to you free market ideologues implying that Nelson is a communist for trying to block greedy server owners from exploiting his game’s players.

Who the fuck even plays on community servers?

It’s not as bad as you’ve made it out to be. I’ve played Arma before and it’s not like it’s hell trying to find a good server to play on.

You listed 2 examples from 2 drastically different games, neither of which are Free to play like Unturned. You can play on whatever server you want if you care that much, the problem is that the community, which, I’m gonna take a wild guess and say, doesn’t like P2W servers being the only choice available to them, decided that it wouldn’t stand the garbage servers brought to life by owners who don’t care about the game and only want to make a profit. This ban is proof of it.

I challenge you to join the server and wait for people with the “PAIDADMIN” rank to join.


so the takeaway, rain, is that you are incorrect. sorry.

no, actually children are smarter than lab monkeys.

yes you can claim this, but what matters is that you can prove it.

As I said, among my entire friendslist of teenagers and adults, people who are good at the game, enjoy the game, and regularly play the game, not a single one of them goes out of their way to play on unfair servers. If anything, they go out of their way to avoid unfair servers.

There is no way for you to “prove” this is an incorrect statement because you are not me, nor are you my friends. Your observation about what the serverlist says versus what I have to say, are two completely different statements that are unrelated to each other.

I stated a fact, my friends avoid pay to win servers.

You stated a fact, the servers ranked by player count are mostly unfair.

What you have not done, is make any good use out of these two statements. What you have done, is provide a baseless claim that my statement is “incorrect”.


Oh wow, there is quite the arguments here lol
I just wanna say one thing: Don’t blame the players for clearly enjoying playing on a server, even if, in your opinion, said server is bad. They’re not at fault, and they don’t deserve their fun to be ruined. The point of multiplayer is for people to come together and just, have fun playing the game, and you wouldn’t really want people to be drawn away from multiplayer due to toxicity.