Brainstorm ways to technically get away with KOS on RP

You know me. You know Blue. You know Cheeto. Theres three right there proven.

Not what you said.

You are incorrect.

another time i was walking with my gun (it aint easy bein me will i see the penitentary or will i stay free?) and got SNIPED in the head by some lame ass swat sniper talkin bout endangering the community bruh


Yo I think that was me dawg…


I know everyone on the forum, that doesn’t make them all my friend. This is really simple stuff.

Sentry guns if you are allowed them. If you are oh boy you can hide them around and just wait I remember once I went onto one just for pure trolling and got a bunch of masterkeys and just placed them everywhere have not been banned but they did ban sentry guns due to that. This one only works once.

I also have really bullshit excuse of I was hunting and missed by shot and just unloaded my grizzly into him. Then hope the admin doesn’t come because if he does there better be a deer or you better leave the server before the ban. This is my main go to excuse as they don’t expect it much and usually gives enough time for me to leave because they are confused about it.

You literally did the same nit-picking. Welcome to SDG, where every argument on the website goes nowhere because somehow there are no rules that prohibit this cherry-picking, creating endless seesaw discussions. I’ve said it before, but y’all know who you are who do this crooked kind of argumentation style.


unturned kids arent far from being lab monkeys if you think about it

when a person commissions for a plugin, typically the plugin maker will offer a discount off the commission if he is given permission to make it public - it can be upwards of 30 to 50% region off the final price simply allowing it to go to public

most plugins don’t go over $15 because a plugin can have hundreds and hundreds of purchases. big workshop mods are only paid for by one person, there is no private marketplace for licensed mods like there is for imperialplugins.

i dont understand your point. remove p2w content and server owners can still exploit their players for donating.

as i’ve said previously, server owners will be incentivized to selling vip ranks that allow for player kicking, muting, reserved slots, even private pay2play servers only, in the end they can still freely exploit their players for money.

also who said anything about communists lol

uhh the significant majority of players with over 200 hours? matchmaking in 2021 is dead as balls lmao

then you don’t play arma 3 enough

i have 800 hours nearly and rn i cant even be bothered to find a server anymore, i just bought my own and started playing with friends

all the servers that have a high amount of players are constantly full cause most of the slots are reserved for VIPs. even at non-prime hours the f2p slots are constantly full making it a chore to connect to them. the servers that have players are typically pretty boring and lack cool plugins and only use public mods that get boring quick when every server uses them.

in my 800 hours there has only been one server that i genuinely appreciated

its fine to disagree but you still need to understand banning P2W will have consequences and come with plenty of pros and cons. you dont need to believe mine. just dont have your head up your own ass thinking banning p2w will be all fine and dandy and denying every single fact regarding how p2w kept unturned 3 alive for so long


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you DO understand that there is no incentive for a single player to go out of his way to selectively play servers with monetized content? what sense does that make?

you literally contradict your previous stated points of “vanilla is dead cause of p2w” saying “no one goes out of their way to play p2w” like oh brother

i dont even wanna say too much cuz i dont wanna inconvenience myself trying to think at your level, at least comrade joseph could articulate himself properly without contradicting himself or sounding like a huge hypocrite


Feudalism was dead because it was exploitative, yet no one refused Feudalism because it was the only option.

Something can be bad yet people buy into it.

It’s not a contradiction. I also declared what demographics I was talking about, and those demographics might not represent the community at large.

really simple stuff.

Doesnt matter if they are your friend or not, because thats not what you said. You said you didnt know, and have never met, anyone who willingly plays on p2w servers. But you do. That makes you wrong at best and a liar at worst. This is really simple stuff.


There are plenty of vanilla servers. The vanilla option is literally there if you filter the server list. Your feudalism metaphor still doesnt work here.


the same way how your anti-p2w argument is bad yet people bought into it?


And another one you can do is to inject people with morphine so that the green bar goes down but you better make sure they don’t have maxed skills!!

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When the two communists don’t have any intelligence

》 Mfw I’m not surprised



No bals

As it stands, the benefits for the community outweigh the cons that greedy server owners will face.

In that case is it really the fault of the servers you’ve played or you not liking the game, or not liking not being able to skip the progression by paying?

You haven’t seen the server owners on the main thread Nelson made bitching about he’s like a government trying to limit what they can do in the “free market” that is Unturned - because obviously a videogame is literally the same as real life.

The point made by Nelson was not to remove P2W entirely, but only the scummiest and most aggressive / predatory methods (and their repeatable / repuchable in-game advantages) through which server owners get their players to donate.

This sentence kinda shows you don’t really have the interests of the community and the game in mind, seeing as mocking players and calling them monkeys probably means you don’t keep them (the community) in a very high regard.

Still, this doesn’t devalue my point that plugins are, most often than not, not as expensive as made out to be, and thus, another one of the ridiculous points made by server owners, when they claim that running a server is so expensive, doesn’t really stand.

I’m a monarchist - but thank you anyways for your unrequested participation in an argument which didn’t involve you, and totally unnecessary insult.

This was never about “P2W” as a whole, and only about the worst instances of it / most exploited method (repeatable purchases), at least not for Nelson nor for me, but still…

The same way that the arguments that “muh server is expensive to run, gib credit card” argument proposed by server owners is even worse yet people buy into it as well?

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For the king
Holy Land Sdg does not permit thou usage of “illegitimate” Businesses

》calls himself a monarchist
》 is called a comrade
》 makes sense

@ForeverBlue The Dunning Krueger effect exists because of individuals like him.


It’s a troll name, you big brain.

the listed pros:

no more greedy server owners yay it’d be a shame if server owners retreated to even greedier monetization tactics for profit

the listed cons:

declined server performance due to lack of third party host purchase
less creation of workshop mods and plugins
official servers will carry 90% of the playerbase till players get bored of vanilla and uninstall as opposed to trying unique gamemodes that wouldnt be a thing without allowing server devs to monetize their content fairly

dawg i love arma lol and im not a p2w customer, i’ve never paid for a single p2w rank across any game ever in my life, also idk what to tell you if you failed to comprehend eveyrthing i listed about arma

dude cause the people in that thread were like ACK and shit which shouldnt be a server for reasons beyond P2W content. their opinions are worth less than a grain of rice, they’ll cry if nelson does the slightest thing that puts a dent in their profit

inevitably nelson will heavily crack down for unturned 2, it’s only light rn because completely killing p2w in 3.0 atm would be a huge pain in the ass that would kill the game as well (lol.)

i’d expect a detailed eula for unturned 2 completely banning rewarding players with objectives/gear/points/etc just like arma

dawg it was a joke lol

bruh basic economics. plugins can take between days to months to make, workshop mods can take days to months. depends what size they both are and sophistication. the difference of time and effort it takes to make either is negligible

if steam workshop allowed paying for mods, and worst case scenario some of the best mods out there rn were monetized, you would see them the same price range as plugins - from $2 to $30

idk what a monarcist is but that sounds cool

if you know rain you’d know how heavily flawed his p2w argument is, which is why i directed that at him. when you reply to it you infer it was an argument against the latest rfc

rain has literally once said a donor rank that gives you canned beans once every 24 hours or some shit like that would be p2w.

evidently you seem to have an actual grasp on what “p2w” means and if you only object the malicious, literally game breaking levels of p2w like essentially selling admin, borderline op ass kits that can take over the server essentially, etc, then props to you. but this whole p2w upbringing has predominantly attempted to completely ban all forms of current monetization, essentially expecting devs to basically provide only chat tags and that boring ass shit as donor ranks

it’s illogical and has zero consideration for the economic effect of unturned, if no one believes me thats cool, enjoy unturned 2.0 a few years into release when nelson being a solo dev cannot provide enough since he has no plugin devs to carry his game any longer


Thing is, even if they get somehow even more greedy, it’s much thougher to sell a rank to a player than in-game currency or a one time purchase of any kind, as the latter usually cost much less than a VIP role - which is what Nelson’s ban is precisely aimed at.

-I could list you like half a dozen good hosting companies before even needing to take a breath, the whole argument that 3rd party hosting is, as a whole, of the lowest quality, is a stupid one. Yes, obviously spending money on your own actual machine will probably result in higher quality, but the most premium of bundles from companies like GTX and ABC can get you close enough for around or even under 50$ a month. In fact, Nelson bought a 50$ server from a random seller on Amazon to test curated maps, and has done the same with Kuwait, and is turns out, it wasn’t a shit fest.

-This, I will take as kind of like an insult. I have, myself, commissioned like a dozen mods for Unturned, some of which have actually been extremely popular, for a F2P server I own and get basically no money out of, in fact, I run at a loss, but with server owning being my passion, I don’t really mind.

Links to some of my commissioned mods (only those that come up when you search for my name): Unturned

(don’t mind the NPC mod, I made that myself)

Point is, the argument that good mods and plugins are only made and commissioned by servers with P2W is an idiotic one, I probably have spent more money on commissioned mods and improving my server with custom content than most server owners (minus Nylex) have spent for theirs.

You search up the names of the big P2W servers on Unturned like Brad’s and Bloodplayers’ and all you’ll find is mods with stolen content from actual original mods - in fact - during the town hall interview with Nelson, I directed him towards Brad’s use of stolen assets and he (Brad) had to remove / private a couple of his mods the next day so as to not get DMCA’d.

Edit: The idea that modders and devs will simply stop making stuff the exact second that P2W servers leave, is an incredibly unfounded one. RocketMod was not made as a commission. Pento’s Tactical Apparel wasn’t made as a commission. Letgalian’s Furniture wasn’t made as a commission. More Farming Mod wasn’t made as a commission. Neither were literally all of the other mods on the first 10 pages of the “most popular” Unturned mods of all time category. Except the WW2 Gunpack I commissioned, oddly enough.

What official servers? Most vanilla servers are privately owned, and as vanilla servers, they most often than not not even have any kits, let alone VIP perks. And to say that people won’t make their own servers when the P2W ones are kicked out is also a pretty stupid argument - by your own logic, if there’s demand for it, people will want to create supply.

That’s also not to say that already doesn’t happen, if you’ve seen how many times Unturned has been downloaded on Steam, and how many people play it daily, you would easily be able to tell that most people already do just play for a few hours on vanilla servers and then leave, that’s just the nature of F2P games.

And finally, WHAT UNIQUE GAMEMODES? Most of the P2W servers are based on either Kit PVP or RP, and even though I’d argue there’s nothing “unique” in most of them to begin with, the genres they’re based on themselves have been getting milked since Unturned launched as a game. And people coming from other games most likely know what PVP and RP are like.

I didn’t fail to comprehend anything, the point is that one’s experience can vary rather drastically, especially if you make this comparison between 2 very different games (one being F2P and one which you have to purchase and can buy DLCs for - not to mention the fact that Arma players are usually older than Unturned ones, which, by nature, dictates they’re less likely to buy into P2W), and for you to open up about your Arma experience just leaves the gate open for me to open up about mine. It’s just not a good argument, or a basis upon which to base one.

That wasn’t just ACK - the same applies to Gameghost, Modern, and whoever else was there. They all cried about it.

That’s never been Nelson’s cause, (nor mine) as you yourself seem to understand from the paragraph below.

So you started from the context of trying to make an argument about economics, then moved to mocking Unturned players, and now that you’re called out about it you say it’s a joke. Right, makes sense.

The economical argument is, to be fair, a pretty stupid argument. If governments IRL have had to create laws in order to stop credit card companies and usurers from exploiting their clients, why shouldn’t or wouldn’t Nelson want to do the same, for his even younger, even more easily exploitable audiance?

You forgot the H

Because, by literal definition it is, BUT also by literal definition, a can of beans is a fucking can of beans.

That was never mine, nor zman’s argument - if it was, we’d have gone after VIP Perks as well, but no - this was always about repeatable purchases.