Buckshot Variations!

Friendly Suggestion TopicDebate about bullets

begone gun nut


no u, ignoramus

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You’ve already said that once. Please don’t spam the same thing until someone agrees with you.

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Friendly Suggestion Topic Intensifies

can you stop milking the joke

I already provided an example where a HP slug would be useful. Using a bolt action rifle and a slug shotgun is very diferent. A shotguns place isnt to blast everything you see but thats besides the point. Using shot also requires you to aim at your target. Again I provided an example.

If you’re going to keep beating your dead horse around then I’m just not going to be able to take you seriously. There is no place for hollowpoint slugs.


Thats your opinion, but I agree we have reached the deadpoint

Well there is a dart slug and a H.E.S.H slug which could be a late game item. Basically H.E.S.H stands for high explosive squash this is what it is according to wikipedia so take it with a grain of salt. HESH rounds are thin metal shells filled with plastic explosive and a delayed-action base fuze. The plastic explosive is “squashed” against the surface of the target on impact and spreads out to form a disc or “pat” of explosive. The base fuze detonates the explosive milliseconds later, creating a shock wave that, owing to its large surface area and direct contact with the target, is transmitted through the material. In the case of the metal armour of a tank, the compression shock wave is conducted through the armour to the point where it reaches the metal/air interface (the hollow crew compartment), where some of the energy is reflected as a tension wave. At the point where the compression and tension waves intersect, a high-stress zone is created in the metal, causing pieces of steel to be projected off the interior wall at high velocity. This fragmentation by blast wave is known as spalling, with the fragments themselves known as spall. The spall travels through the interior of the vehicle at high velocity, killing or injuring the crew, damaging equipment, and/or igniting ammunition and fuel. So the shotgun slug variant of it is a cast lead hollow point with a .22 short round put in backwards so when it hits it goes off. Here is where people are actually testing it.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Lpx_CQ6kwo

Tell me, what the hell is an explosive slug?

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