Lets break down what vehicle parts can be introduced in 4.0 to spice up this aspect but not to complicate things to much.
Firstly we will start from 3.0. Here a car can be dismentled into: 4 wheels, 1 car battery, wheelless and fuelless carcass with control panel, seats and frame underneath.
What can we add for removal?
Engine, doors, control panel, carcass itself, fuel tank, seats, glass and maybe something else.
All parts should be labeled from what type of car it was taken from.
You would require more tools aside from socketwrench to remove all above. A screwdriver(hand one and electrical), grinder, carjack, etc.
You could also put every part back the way you put tires in 3.0 by aiming and putting where it belongs(little highlight where it will be placed would help).
Also why won’t we take parts mentioned above from something more militaristic?
A tank would do. It’s cannon, tracks, armor can and should be removeable as well.
To take parts off you need to be the owner.
-Where is my sandpiper?
-It is over there.
-In the locker.
So. We took absolutly every part of that tank with us.
What can we do with them?
Salvage for metal or use them on your own piece of shi… car.
As a starter point for your dream car you can use premade vehicle frame or use a makeshift one.
If we took some useful parts ofĐ° some unfortunate desile stalions we should also be able to upgrade(more output) or reinforce(more durability) or balance tune (both but less focused on particular stat) them.
And who said you can’t put that cannon that you took of a tank? Not me. You can but that would make your vehcile significantly slower, more armor = slower, tracks insted of wheels = more patency, less speed(especially if the engine is not capable to generate enough horse power)
Also remember that you took those seats off? You can place there something like another engine(more power, more fuel consumption), another storage, leave it empty(less weight), fuel tank of a tank(more gas), a gunner stand/hole(why not), etc.