Car/vehicle/engine powered something-something building and dismantling

cince when it is a bad example to use other games which portrate what meant?
If i intended to use real life examples i would gladly show you these examples:

i am over here

and to you as well. where did i brag about absolute necessity of realism? it is “a game” after all and not a super duper realistic vehicle building simulator.

did you know that you can use suspension of tank tracks insted of car one?

i guess not.

about delivering momentum, axes and so on. if you have knowledge and skills in mechanic and car building you can optimize it to work… we have real life examples right…


Mechanic skill comeback?


Did you know that I never said that you can’t? All I have ever been saying is that you can’t directly place tank tracks or monster truck wheels on a pickup truck. If you want to be able to add the supporting structures necessary for tank tracks onto a pickup truck I don’t really care, but those structures should be necessary.

You keep trying to prove that things should be added because

Why does it matter what we can or cannot do in real life if it is just a game. I am arguing that vehicles without the supporting structure or necessary ports should not be able to mount weapons, because it would be both more balanced and realistic if some vehicles were capable of mounting weapons, some vehicles were capable of having weapon mounts added to them, and some vehicles (like bicycles) should never be able to mount cannons. If there is some benefit to having tank cannons attached directly to bikes with no modifications needed, please explain why.


Now your statements sound reasonable instead of “nah… don’t like it”
So? Shall we?
crackig noize
Aaawwwwww… shit…
Finger fixing soud
oh well…

supporting nesecesary but temporary stracture can be carlift(that will make it useful) or even Skid Loader
we can also say that when you take tank tracks you take every “supporting structures” with it. just to simplify a bit

because it has to be at least somewhat logical or our real connected if it is not an lsd trip

a standart sedan frame is an decent-ish supporting structure on its own
a pickup truck would then have 2 of them: roof and empty pickup truck storage
sure why not

a bicycle(which is not a car) with a tank cannon? that is your fetish(lol2.0), not mine
also if you remind yourself the title that will save us some time, won’t it?

I have never said anything remotely similar to “nah… don’t like it” please
I don’t dislike this general idea, and have already created a similar post.

I have, through out this conversation, been giving specific criticisms to the parts that I feel should be changed. The only difference between my last reply and the rest is because I spelled out exactly what those changes would and would not include.

Could you please try to be consistent on whether or not the plausibility of an idea matters.

We could, but I don’t think we should, replacing a tread or tire should, in my opinion, be a simple operation of simply taking off the old one and putting on a new one, while placing tank treads or monster truck wheels on a pickup should require removing the wheels, installing a new suspension system compatible with such large wheels/treads and then placing each of the new tires or treads.

If you mount a cannon directly on a sedan frame, (rather than in a turret on a turret ring) it will have extremely limited traverse and elevation, and would get in the way of attaching certain other parts to the car, such as a back row or windshield, but is certainly more reasonable than putting

A pickup truck bed could reasonably have a variety of gun mounts, among the possible things placed on it, but a pickup truck roof, while large and sturdy enough to support a gun mount with limited traverse and large enough to mount a machine gun or antimateriel rifle, it is, by no means a proper mounting point for a tank cannon.

Neither are tanks or helicopters. I don’t see why the only vehicles with limitations as to what can be attached to them would be bicycles.

No it is not, it is an example of why vehicle customization needs some reasonable limitations. I am quite insulted that you (with your fixation on sedans throughout this conversation) would use this particular ad hominem attack.


you know there’s those wrecked convoys and stuff on certain maps?
well, if you built a makeshift type of vehicle you should be able to weld apart those, and add parts of the body onto the makeshift car.
Also, you could be able to use scrap to armour up a civilian car. Makeshift car armour.

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putting a tank cannon on bicycle even with your desired supporting stractures is too wonky for 4.0 but it is somewhat decent for 3.0

tank already has all necessary parts to operate, drive and shoot. all you need is to deconstaract those parts and attache them where you want them to be. tracks has suspention system on there own. so it is not necesery to add something more underneath the car.

then tell me why it is not reasonable to weld a tank turren on top of a roof, grind a hole for access and remove obstructing seats then to shove it inside car to prevent placing back row or windshield? you sure can do both if when removing parts you can split tank turren in to turret itself and a cannon. placing it like a turret gives you
advanges: of have a weapon on your vehicle and ability to rotate it in circle
disadvanteges: slower speed, more fuel consumpton, precios space take by that weapon
you just throw things you like on the things i like and that is not reasonable, not without some factual material at least.

and why not? it not like somebody is trying to weld it to the bicycle or any thing.
if you want to be a reality check guy and realistic that you like to use no car is capable to withstand such weight for too long without prolonging damage to wheels, transmission pretty much every thing underneath the car adn car itself.
but that is not reality that is a game where we can drop out those details for new and fun experience.

a tank, a car, a helicopter, a plane have one of many similarities - engines, fuel tanks.

you use word reasonable but still want a bicycle filled with tank cannons that won’t logically fit, well aside from a bicycle with a machine gun on the front.
at least a tank turret on top of vehicle is more reasonable and possible than that.
did I first suggest making a bicyle a weapon of massdestructon? scrolls up a bit no, I don’t think so.
I didn’t brag about you pointing my bad english, but when I pointed your words and you triggered on that? well… people these day…

A bicycle with a gun on it is stupid. Period.
A pickup with a gun on the back would be great though, I’d love to fuck around with a badass technical

What about a bicycle with a bicycle trailer with a seat and a rearward mounted gun with limited pitch and yaw? (like the few World War analogues)

How about we just have a regular bicycle with two people riding on it, and the person on the back holds a tank turret up while shooting and loading it? /s

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Sounds like a great idea! Much better than a Barrett on a Bicycle! /s

LOL! anyway, shooting off a bicycle with a “normal” gun would be fine, it would be like a discount drive-by. But have some sort of attached gun on a bicycle? No way. Has anyone ever ridin’ I bicycle before? It’s very hard to pull extra weight (like an 80 pound machine gun). (Also I’m not specifically talking to you J besides the LOL part).

But I can pull two 40 pound children using one of those bicycle trailers they have.

The idea I postedreiterated was for the gun to be attached to the bicycle trailer, or rather, have it’s own wheels and trailer hitch, and there be a hitch attachment for a bicycle, though you’d only be able to pull up to a certain amount of weight, and only so fast.

With the trailer mounted weapon, it’s only meant to fire in one direction, and while pulled by a bicycle, that’s directly rearward, so you couldn’t really use it, but rather just move it to a different position on the map for no fuel in exchange for more time taken. I’d love to have fixed weapons.

And yes, IMHO, a fixed weapon would essentially be a vehicle with a mounted weapon, so it would fit in the topic of vehicle customization.

Well from the information provided, you are a father of two children (which means your probably pretty strong), and I’d say average man would have trouble pull 2 children up a hill on a bike.

Maybe you could use a vehicle door as a shield

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So, let me reiterate, this is a discussion about modifying cars and only cars, not any other kind of vehicle? You yourself say it’s “CAR” related discussion, but last I checked, Trucks, Aircraft, Boats, Trailers and Tanks are NOT cars. Please, don’t use double standards when it’s convenient for you. This is my last post here, but if there is a future post about “VEHICLE” modification ideas, then I will happily post any ideas I have there.

Vehicles, cool. Anything under the sun that moves stuff.

Car is a vehicle? Checks out.

Tank = Car?
Sandpiper = Car?

Oh, so a trailer is okay, but a bicycle is not because it’s not a car. Last I checked, a trailer wasn’t a car either.

Hmm… it’s a vehicle, but it’s also not a car.

Funny skit. This is a vehicle, but it’s also not a car.

Eh… a tank still isn’t an automobile, or simply put, a car.

This is Crossout at this point. Also, putting a Fat Man cannon on the starter truck in said game is also a bad idea, unless you like getting flipped over from the recoil. Tanks still are not cars.

So yeah. point made. Is it a vehicle discussion, or exclusively a CAR discussion? Make up your mind.

you know what a car, tank, plane, boat has in common? an engine.
can a bicycle brag about it?
i think not.
can a bicycle carry something heavier than an overweight person without ridiculous design?
i think not.

a trailer is okay because of the size it offers for ll ort of things to install.

i made up mind asking “aren’t you off topic” with bicycles in car/vehicle related suggestion?
and what i get asking nicely? hostile attitude and nit-picking for word “CAR”.
so stop CARING around snatching words out of context.

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But a trailer doesn’t have an engine… Also, an engine doesn’t make something a car…

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it doesn’t. but it doesn’t make it lesser of a good platform for something to build on… like a turret cannon!

atleast it somewhat connected