Character Skillsets: Something I'd like to see in 4.x

I believe that it is not skillsets that defines a player, but their playstyle. That’s how it has been in every other game I’ve ever played, and I’m not putting off Unturned but rather using that as a point for potential improvement.

I feel like skillsets are a bit if a limitation in that regard.

I don’t want there to be skills or even skillsets.

I know this is the same method Rust uses but I would LOVE a blueprint system in Unturned. (Although this probably won’t be added)

Why not! I think blueprints are a kewl idea. Start a blueprints thread and I will participate with gusto :slight_smile:

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I didn’t mean to take the wind out of your sails, bro. How would you balance the police man?

Already made a post quite like this back in December.

If you mean this one then I did see it after great hero suggested I do a search. Yours was more about inherent abilities though, and doing away with skillsets as opposed to revamping skillsets to give the characters more contribution to a team (like a medic, a tank, a damage dealer, etc.) in a way that you grow your character from early to late game.

Also, your thread was definately PvP aimed, as in the skillsets gave you power over other players. This hread is definately more PvE and coopartive team related against the zombiews and environment. You see any other similarities?

Dunno (10 L.A.S.E.R limit)

Try ‘‘I don’t know’’ next time.

I respectfully decline (instead of no)

I’m okay with the idea of skill sets, but on three conditions:

  • They have to work well with, and be balanced in whatever skill system is in the game. (3.X failed at this, IMHO)
  • The clothing they provide should be of roughly equal quality and quantity, maybe just being different patterns of the same item.
  • Any tools they provide should be of limited utility, and should also be available through other means.

Me to. I think I’ll add more tomorrow.

Doesn’t exactly take a SWAT member to pick up a piece of metal and hit/hold it at arms length while looking at zombies. Kinda seems generally overpowered. All of these seem generally weird to me. It’s like… why would you use a firehouse to fend off zombies when you could, y’know, leave? AED devices also have the instructions written on them (well, at least at my school). Again, I dont really like this idea. It could probably be done if there were buffs and drawbacks for each profession instead of just spawning with their clothes.

Also stealth ninja edit also kinda sidetrack: Firefighter helmets are actually super heavy. Like, surprisingly heavy. Also my local fire department has an engine with a skeleton in the backseat named Colonel Bones, and he’s got one of those dispatcher headsets. You gotta love Florida.


What the fuck man


Actually it does take training to use riot gear properly. The tactic goes back to the greek phalanx and there’s actually a lot to use the gear effectively without getting hurt yourself. Not that an irradiated potato would be expected to know such things…but well, you are a civilian…sort of.

As for using a defribulator, I’ve gone through three training sessions on one of those. As a first responder at my work I get refreshed once a year. Think about it this way. Anyone can cut with a scalpel but not anyone who picks it up can save a life through a surgical procedure. But in an OR there are endless checklists to complete before a procedure on how to prepare the tools, etc. The point is, using sophisticated equipment is more than flipping switches and reading pictorials on the side of a device. Those pictorals are there to help a person managing a crisis remember the simple things that slip your mind during that time…not as the definitive instructions on how to save a man dying from a heart attack. That takes training.

So, now that we’ve established there’s more to life than “lather, rinse, repeat” you should not find it to be surprising that a guy fending off zombies without having to come into contact with them while a person or two loots a spot could be a valid scenario for our firefighter and firehose.

SO - Those were my thoughts. Now if you’re done with the , “I don’t like this idea” portion I’d love to hear more about buffs and drawbacks instead os just spawing with their clothes…cuz I agree completely with that sentiment. That’s why I started this thread.

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What police learn from the Greek Phalanx isn’t how to use riot gear (which the ancient Greeks didn’t have) or how to fight zombies (which fight notably differently from normal humans) but rather strategic positioning and coordination, (which is down to the players.)
Everything the ancient Greeks, and modern police have figured out are things that people can figure out, so buffs that are restricted to a skill set, and can’t be learned don’t make much sense.

Sure it does. Isn’t that how it works in real life? The average officer can restrain a person much bigger than the average citizen. This is a learnable skill yet the average citizen does not have such skills. They spent their time (and money) building skills they were interested in. Then the apocalypse hits…too late to go to police academy. Too late to go to any academy. Now you gotta make due. Will civilization come back again one day to the point where people have time out of their day to day to learn things they would not have access to without civilization? Maybe. That’s not the scope of Unturned though. Is it?

Those skills aren’t exclusively learned at police academies, and not school is better than practical experience. I would be fine if the buffs that the players with specific skill sets spawned with were available through the 4.X skill system, but restricting them to specific skill sets seems like a bad idea.

I dont think its possible, when a player dies he will respawn quickly so if you revive him while he is looting someting its gonna be Instant Teleport or someting, i dont think it should be added

There already is a configurable delay to respawning (well there is in 3.X). I assume that any reviving tool wouldn’t be able to revive a body once the player has respawned.

Makes sense. I’ve seen this setting at work in creative and pvp servers.